The LGBTQ+ community is a warm and accepting environment. Although, Broader society is becoming more accepting of different sexual orientations and gender identities. Some places, however, are more accepting than others. In this article, we will discuss the difference between pansexual and bisexual.

Defining Sexuality

Sexuality is a difficult concept to define. Many people still disagree on the fundamental concepts of gender and sexual identity. There has been a growing recognition in recent years that sexuality exists on a spectrum. This understanding is a step forward from the traditional view of sexuality as binary.

People who attract those of the opposite binary sex or gender are at one end of the sexual orientation spectrum. Individuals who attract people of the same gender or sex are at the opposite end of the spectrum; while those who attract multiple genders are somewhere in the middle.

There is also a distinction in the type of attraction that a person may feel. Sexual attraction, for example, is a desire for sexual contact, whereas romantic attraction is a desire for a deeper connection and relationship.

How to Recognize Sexual Orientation

Many people will struggle to determine their sexual orientation or gender identity. It can be perplexing for young people who are unfamiliar with concepts such as the spectrum.

Understanding the full scope of concepts and determining what works can take time. It could also entail a shift across different parts of the spectrum. Others may be aware of how they identify from a young age. Learning about various gender identities and sexual orientations will be beneficial. The way people think about this has changed and will continue to change.

A person can identify with whatever orientation they believe is appropriate for them. There is no correct or incorrect answer. Similarly, a person is not required to label their sexuality or conform to certain ideals if they do not wish to.

A person may also identify with multiple terms and use them interchangeably to describe themselves. People can also change their sexual orientation if they believe their capacity for attraction has changed, or if they learn another word that more accurately describes their orientation. Talking to people who have gone through similar experiences or transitions may be beneficial.

It is critical to avoid suppressing sexual feelings or thoughts. Although doing so may avoid awkward conversations or situations in the short term, it is likely to cause problems in the long run.

Definition of Pansexual and Bisexual

People’s definitions of bisexuality and pansexuality, on the other hand, may differ. They are concepts that are related but distinct. There are many different sexual orientations, as well as many different gender identities. Developing precise definitions that apply to everyone can be difficult.

Bisexual Definition

Bisexuality can mean different things to different people, and no one can agree on a single definition. In general, someone who identifies as bisexual has feelings for more than one gender.

Some may find the term offensive because it implies that there are only two genders. Many people who identify as bisexual acknowledge the existence of multiple genders.

Pansexual Definition

People who identify as pansexual are typically attracted to anyone, including those who do not identify as a specific gender. Pansexuals may describe their attraction as being more focused on personality than gender. People with a pansexual orientation, for example, may be drawn to the personality of someone who is transgender. They may find a female, male, or gender-fluid person appealing.

It is important to note that identifying as pansexual does not imply that your interest is everyone, just as a heterosexual male does not interest every female and vice versa.

Difference Between Pansexual and Bisexual

They don’t have to be, though. You can identify as bi or pan because they have a broadly similar definition (depending on YOUR experience of being bi or pan). However, there are a few reasons why one may be preferable to the other.

For starters, being bisexual can imply that you are attracted to both the same and different genders – but not all of them. You may be drawn to boys and non-binary people, girls and non-binary people, boys and girls, or a variety of specific non-binary genders, but not all of them. You could be attracted to anyone with any number of different identities, and that’s perfectly fine. Don’t feel obligated to like everyone to identify as bi.

Furthermore, bisexuality has a long history. Keeping the label of bisexual can mean remembering all the people who came before you and identifying with them as a community.

However, you may prefer pansexual because it makes it clear that you are referring to all genders. It makes it easier to communicate your preferences without being too specific, and it makes it clear from the start that you also mean non-binary people.

Although most people agree that bisexuality refers to feelings of attraction to multiple genders, pansexuality refers to feelings of attraction to all genders. There are some similarities, but they are distinct.

Someone who identifies as bisexual, for example, may be attracted to those who are gender-fluid, male, or nonbinary but not to those who are female.

Someone who is pansexual can be attracted to people of any gender. They may, however, experience it in different ways.

For both, the type of attraction that someone feels may differ depending on their gender. For example, someone may have romantic feelings for one gender but sexual feelings for another.


No! No, not at all. Just remember that just because you prefer one term over another doesn’t mean the other is bad, and don’t assume that everyone who uses that term over the other means it negatively.

Not everyone who is bisexual is ignorant of non-binary issues, and not everyone who is pansexual believes in “gender blindness.” You can hurt people if you define your identity as being better than someone else’s. They’re both valid identities, and there are plenty of reasons to use either one for yourself!

Myths about Pansexual and Bisexual

Despite agreeing on many issues, some people consider bisexuality to be transphobic due to the misconception that bisexuality means only being attracted to cisgender people.

“I’ve heard some pansexual people accuse bisexual people of being transphobic because they see bisexuality as being rooted in a gender binary,” Lehmiller says. However, not everyone views bisexuality in this light. I believe tensions arise when people make assumptions about others based on their sexual identity label without fully understanding what that label means to the individual.

Furthermore, attraction to all genders does not imply attraction to everyone, a stigma that is exacerbated by some heterosexual people assuming that queer people are attracted to them regardless of their sexual orientation.

Pansexuality does not imply equal attraction to all genders. The assumption that bisexuality and pansexuality can attract anyone at any time stems from biphobia and homophobia.

Signs of Pansexual

In reality, there is no surefire test to identify people with this sexual identity. However, some indicators may indicate whether you are one of them or not. Here are two warning signs to look out for:


If it is clear that terms like “bisexual” do not accurately describe your personality. This is one of the most telling signs that you are a pansexual. You may be attracted to multiple genders, but that does not mean you are attracted to all genders. As a result, the term “bisexual” does not accurately describe you. And this could be a good thing.


If you are attracted to people of all genders, regardless of their sex or gender, and you can develop an attraction to people even if you don’t know your gender identity, this is an extremely obvious good sign that you may be a pansexual.


Ultimately, what matters most is your thoughts and comfort. If you are comfortable defining yourself using this term, it may be sufficient to do so. It may take some trial and error as well as time. You will eventually discover whether or not this term applies to you. It’s also a good sign if you’re completely fine with it.

Signs of Bisexual

Many people struggle with putting a label on their sexuality and sometimes choose not to label it, which is completely understandable, but here are some signs you might be bisexual!

1. Doing a Google search for “Am I Bisexual?”

The first sign that you are not straight is that you are questioning your sexuality. This may seem obvious, but when I was a kid, I googled “Am I gay” tests, and specifically – choosing the answers I knew would give me the answer that I was straight, even if they were incorrect.

I grew up in a homophobic family where being gay is considered “unnatural.” I’d always been told that it wasn’t normal, so I wanted to know for sure, so I watched countless videos about how people discovered they were bisexual. As I grew older, I realized that it was completely normal and something that many other people thought.

2. Having strange feelings for fictional characters or celebrities.

Some bisexuals may misinterpret their romantic attraction to the same gender as platonic. I wished I could be friends with Maya from Girl Meets World. One of the most common realizations for bisexuals, as they mature, is that they like both Beck and Jade from Victorious.

3. The label “bisexual” is appealing.

It’s sometimes comforting to have a label. You become a part of a community and can meet others who have had experiences similar to yours. Finding that label can be reassuring, and perhaps bisexual is the right one for you.

You might identify with a bisexual YouTuber or a bisexual character on television. It’s always a good idea to talk to the people around you if you know they’ll accept you. Perhaps you know someone in your life who has had similar experiences.

4. Visualize yourself with someone of the same gender and someone of the opposite gender.

Some people may doubt their bisexuality if they find someone of the same gender attractive. Anyone can find someone attractive, but seeing yourself in a relationship with them is a sign that you may be bisexual.

For example, when I was younger, I had a lot of boy crushes, but by middle school, I was more interested in girls. I assumed I just wanted to be friends with them, but in reality, I could see myself in a romantic relationship with them.

It helped me realize that I could see myself in relationships with both boys and girls, as well as non-binary.

There Are Different Types of Bisexual People

Some bisexual people may be attracted to one gender more than the others, or they may also attract different genders in different ways.

1. Heterosexual-Leaning Bisexual

Heterosexual-leaning bisexuals frequently feel they aren’t “bisexual enough” because their main attractions appear to be heterosexual, but the labels “heterosexual” or “straight” don’t feel right for them because they still have same-sex physical and/or emotional attractions.

2. Homosexual-Leaning Bisexual

Some homosexual-leaning bisexuals may believe that simply describing themselves as “gay” is easier, whereas others proudly acknowledge their bisexual identity. Similarly, some homosexual-leaning bisexuals may believe they are gay before realizing later in life that they are, in fact, bisexual.

3.  Varied Type Bisexual

Though it is commonly assumed that a person’s sexual and emotional orientations are compatible. People can be sexually attracted to one gender while emotionally attracted to another. “Varied type bisexuals” are bisexuals who consistently have a stronger emotional attraction to one gender but a stronger physical attraction to the other.

People who have this type of bisexuality may be especially perplexed about their sexual orientation. Because it is culturally expected that a person’s emotional and physical attractiveness will always match.

It is not uncommon for different types of bisexuals to be confused about their sexuality and struggle to determine whether they are gay, straight bi, or something else entirely. They may put more emphasis on their sexual or emotional attractions before concluding that both are equally valid and that they are bisexual.

4. 50/50 Bisexual

There is a widespread and persistent misconception that all bisexual people are equally attracted to men and women.

While this does not apply to the vast majority of bisexual people, some have a nearly even 50/50 split between heterosexual and homosexual attraction.

These bisexual people are emotionally and sexually attracted to both their own and other genders (e.g. men and women). Some people may discover that their attraction is more 50/50 at different points in their lives. At times, they may identify more strongly with one of the other categories.

5. Outside-the-Binary Bisexual

Many bisexual people believe that a potential partner’s gender expression is unimportant and that they are more interested in a person for their personality.

These individuals may also self-identify as “pansexual.” Pansexuality is a sexual orientation that is similar to bisexuality and may have some overlap with bisexuality.

Some people may strongly identify with one label or the other. Some people may use both labels interchangeably.

How Many People Are Bisexual?

According to the Williams Institute and the HRC Foundation’s research, approximately 50% of people who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual identify as bisexual. As a result, the bisexual population is the largest group within the LGBTQ community.

Can a Transgender Person Also Be Bisexual?

Yes, and some of them are. Transgender people can identify as lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, queer, or any other sexual orientation because sexual orientation refers to a person’s sexual or romantic attraction and gender identity refers to how people identify themselves along the gender spectrum.


To different people, bisexuality and pansexuality will mean different things. Bisexual people are those who attract more than one gender. Pansexuality is commonly used to describe people who attract people of all genders.

There are many different sexual orientations and gender identities. The way people think about this has changed and will continue to change.

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Exploration into the world of pansexuality

Different sexualities between pansexual, bisexual and married

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