HOW TO GET OVER A HEARTBREAK Fast: Simple Easy Guide for Anyone


On a scale from 1 to excruciating, having your heart broken is a sure “extremely terrible.” At some point, most of us have been there, wondering how to get over a heartbreak. While there is no definite way to escape heartbreak (unless you’re a cold-blooded robot), there is a way to get over it—even if you think you’ll never be happy again.

How to get over heartbreak for guys

You’ve taken the first step in the correct direction by reading this article because you’ve lately been heartbroken. These strategies to mend a wounded heart will help you heal emotionally and mentally.

1. The first step is acceptance.

Acceptance and accepting things as they are the first steps to getting over a breakup. Accept that your relationship with someone you care about has come to an end and that it’s time to move on. It may be painful to hear, but stop fantasizing about getting back together, or that this is only a phase, or that you are on a temporary break.

2. Forgiveness

Try to forgive as you progressively come to terms with the breakup. Be the greater person and strive to forgive, whether you’ve been duped or left on a knife’s edge. If you’re the one who caused the relationship to end, forgive yourself as well. You’ll feel like a chip is going off your shoulder when you learn to truly figure; the weight will be lighter, and the suffering will be less.

3. Be a better person by forgiving others.

Try to remain positive despite the tears and heartbreak. Everything happens for a reason, so it’s possible that this individual isn’t intended for you. Perhaps you are meant for higher things and a better relationship. Be gentle to yourself after the breakup, and believe that wonderful things are on the way.

4. Don’t try to avoid the pain.

You are avoiding grief after heartbreak is the worst thing you can do. Suppression is a maladaptive protective technique in which a person blocks or avoids heartache. Face your grief, cry, vent, and don’t keep your emotions hidden. You’ll get over your heartbreak faster if you cry as much as you can. It may ache as you recall the happy moments.

5. Allow yourself time to heal: one day at a time

According to relationship experts, all heart scars heal with time, so take it one day at a time. The mending process is difficult, and things may not appear to be returning to normal. But take things one day at a time, and everything will be fine. Some people will heal more quickly, while others will take longer; there is no time limit, but time will heal.

6. Do not resort to drinking 

It’s fine to have a few drinks or go out with friends occasionally, but don’t use alcohol or recreational drugs to cope with your emotions. Substance misuse is never the solution; in fact, it will exacerbate the problem. It’s a recipe for disaster if you fall into these harmful behaviours following a breakup.

How to get over heartbreak fast

According to relationship experts, there are some helpful, forward-thinking methods for dealing with a breakup. You won’t wake up one morning and miraculously be over that person, but changing the way you think about things and developing healthy habits can help you move on from your breakup.

1. Break connection

Cut the connection if it’s easier for you to get over the heartbreak. Avoid trash-talking and posting negative things about your ex on social media by unfollowing or unfriending them. Do not be tempted to keep in touch with him/her by deleting his/her phone number. Avoid social occasions where you might run across your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.

2. Go out and mingle.

Loneliness and melancholy are common sentiments following a breakup. So instead of sulking at home, get out and socialize, spend time with friends, meet new people, and travel to new locations. After a heartbreak, spending time with your support system and talking about your thoughts is healthy emotional venting.

3. Tell someone you trust how you’re feeling.

When you discuss your feelings with a trustworthy individual, it’s easier to get over a heartbreak. You can invite your best friend over to your house and converse over a bottle of wine. Having a trusted friend or family member at your side who is familiar with you can assist you in navigating this difficult scenario.

4. Keep yourself busy.

The second step is to keep oneself occupied to avoid overthinking the problem. After all the crying and emotional roller coaster, it’s time to get out there and spend your time properly. Enroll in a gym, pick up a new activity, travel, go outside, do something you’re passionate about, and spend time with your family.

5. You should love yourself

Start taking care of yourself now that you have all the time in the world. If you don’t know and love yourself, how can you provide love to your next relationship? You’ve spent all of your time loving your ex; now it’s time to love yourself. Self-love must be prioritized, as it will lead to increased self-esteem and confidence.

6. Make someone happy.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “How can making someone smile help me get over a heartbreak?” Put another way, making someone smile can make you smile as well if you’re having a bad day and things aren’t going your way.

Isn’t it the most wonderful feeling in the world to see someone smile because of you? This joy is contagious, and it may elevate your spirits as well.

How to get over heartbreak and betrayal

It’s difficult to know what to do in a circumstance you didn’t expect, but here are a few words of wisdom to assist you through the chaos and, ideally, teach you how to get over heartbreak.

1. Maintain your composure.

After the first shock has gone off, you will most likely feel every feeling imaginable, from rage to grief and despair. You’ll be looking for answers, as well as analyzing every memory and discussion you’ve ever shared.

2. Remind yourself of your worth.

While circumstances may change, who you are will never be insufficient. Remember that someone’s incapacity to love you the way they are supposed to has nothing to do with your value. Whether your relationships last or fall apart, you deserve better.

3. Don’t get caught up in the moment.

It’s all too easy to become engrossed in the whole breakup tale. While you must realize what is occurring and become practical about what needs to be done, you must not allow it to consume your hope because hope is the only thing greater than our anxieties.

4. Stop second-guessing yourself and blaming yourself.

There are undoubtedly certain things you could have done better. We are, after all, human beings who make mistakes. But don’t fall into the trap of negative self-talk, assuming that the reason for the breakup is that you’ve failed in so many ways.

5. Concentrate on yourself.

It’s time to heal and look after yourself. You have every right to be outraged that someone you cared about and trusted deceived you, but don’t allow your anger to dominate you. Make sure this isn’t solely about them.

6. Make the decision to forgive, even if it makes no sense.

The most difficult aspect will be deciding to forgive them, even if you don’t want to and even if they don’t deserve it. However, forgiveness is for your own healing, not for theirs.

Books on how to get over heartbreak

Although time heals all wounds, there’s nothing like good books on how to get over heartbreak to help you get through it. Set aside time to read one (or all!) of these works, each of which deals with the despair of lost love in its own unique and healing way.

1. The Idiot by Elif Batuman

Selin, a Turkish immigrant’s daughter, has only recently arrived at Harvard for her freshman year, and she’s already making friends – one, her Siberian classmate Svetlana, and another, Ivan, an older mathematics student from Hungary.

2. Juliet Takes A Breath by Gabby Rivera

Juliet recently came out to her parents and moved to Portland to “find herself.” The problem is that she’s landed a fantastic position with her favorite author and feminist mentor, but she’s lacking in confidence and doubts that she’ll be able to keep her life together this summer. Readers will fall in love with Juliet Takes A Breath’s heroine, who is both funny and inspiring.

3. Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

Milk and Honey, the No. 1 New York Times bestseller, is a four-part compilation of poetry and prose, each dealing with heartbreak and pain. Rupi Kaur gracefully addresses life’s difficult times while never failing to uncover the healing sweetness that lies beneath the pain.

4. Heartburn by Nora Ephron

The author of Sleepless in Seattle brilliantly mixes humor into the downfall of a perfect marriage when Rachel Samstat realizes that her husband, Mark, is in love with another woman while she is heavily pregnant. She’s a cookbook author, so she naturally turns to food to help her sort through her conflicting feelings.

5. The Pisces by Melissa Broder

Lucy was so preoccupied with her dissertation that she didn’t notice her relationship with her boyfriend was deteriorating. Lucy heads to her sisters’ house in L.A. to pick up the pieces when the flame finally goes out.

6. The Wisdom of a Broken Heart: How to Turn the Pain of a Breakup Into Healing, Insight, and New Love by Susan Piver

Susan Piver understands how devastating agony and despair can be when a relationship ends. She gently invites readers to ignore the common advice to keep busy and move on and instead seize this moment to alter themselves.

7. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chödrön

Pema Chödrön’s book is an excellent addition to anyone’s spiritual library because it demonstrates how heading into unpleasant events, rather than away from them, can help us develop, heal, and love. She gives readers suffering from heartbreak and sadness life-changing tools based on traditional Buddhist wisdom.

How Long Does It Take To Get Over a Broken Heart?

According to one study, it takes roughly three months (11 weeks to be exact) for a person to feel better about their breakup. But, as I already stated, heartbreak is not a science.

Why Does Heartbreak Hurt So Much?

What is the source of this excruciating pain? According to studies, your brain registers the emotional agony of heartbreak in the same way that it registers physical pain, which is why you may believe your heartbreak is causing physical discomfort.


Breakups are difficult. They’re going to be a rude awakening for the system. Breakups alter everything you’ve come to expect. Many questions may arise, including what went wrong, what you could have done differently, and why you weren’t good enough. Even if you were the one who ended the relationship, you’ll almost certainly miss your ex at some point. You’ll undoubtedly worry if your heart will ever get over this heartbreak.

Tips on how to get over someone

Why does heartbreak hurt so much?

Broken heart syndrome

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