FUN THINGS TO DO WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND: 49+ Things to try in 2024


Do you want to mix up your weekend routine of fun things to do with your boyfriend? When the traditional “dinner and a movie” just doesn’t cut it anymore, it’s time to spice up your weekend date ideas. Enjoy a wide range of activities, including silly hijinks, romantic getaways, cute, fun things to do with your lover to celebrate fall, methods to channel your inner artist, and much more!

So, goodbye to the old and hello to the new! (Old plans, that is, … hold on to that special someone!) Make a regular Friday, Saturday, and Sunday into something special. With these unique fun things to do with your boyfriend that will make him fall unforgettable, enjoy the crisp air, crunchy leaves, and warm together time!

Fun things to do with your boyfriend

Why is finding fun things to do with your boyfriend so tough? Guys argue that women are the most difficult, but I disagree! There are plenty of fun things to do with your guy (it’s simply a good idea not to leave it till the last minute to plan something).

I’ve compiled this list of fun things to do with your lover so you’ll never be bored together.

Have a picnic

If the weather permits, going on a picnic date is significantly more adventurous and thrilling than sitting at home watching Netflix. Spending time with your partner outside adds a new depth to your connection.


Stay out for a few days and explore nature’s beauties. Nothing beats spending the entire evening with the love of your life; no phone calls, no distractions… Just you and your partner, cuddling and listening to nature’s noises.

Trivia Night

If going out for dinner has become duller than counting to 100 backwards in your relationship, you can spice things up by attending one of the many Trivia Nights most restaurants provide.

Trampoline World

Visiting the trampoline world with your lover is another fun activity—it’s literally meant for fun.

Take a canoe trip

A nearby river can inject some fun into your relationship with your boyfriend if you live in a coastal city. Going on a “canoeing date” with your partner can provide you with yet another amazing moment.

Go to a Concert

Concerts allow you and your partner to dance all night, feel each other’s bodies rock, and increase your love for each other. It doesn’t have to be a full-fledged Beyoncé concert. Even if it’s only a local performance by your friends or neighbours, it’ll be entertaining!

Complete a project

Another approach to shake up your routine is to get your hands on a Pinterest project. Plus, spending the day with your baby (or daddy, as the case may be) working on something together is fun.

Whether you complete the work or not, at the end of the day, you’ll have a unique narrative to share rather than the same old dull routine.

Participate in video games

As you may know, guys enjoy playing video games. If your partner is a gamer, you can surprise him by joining him when playing soccer or car racing games on his PS5 (or better yet, surprise him with a PS5?). I’m not proposing anything…just stating the obvious.

Go to a museum in your neighborhood

Have you wished for a chance to tour your neighbourhood? Going to your local museum will not only provide you with information about your community, but it will also provide you with a taste of what a real expedition is like! Why don’t you give it a shot with your boyfriend?

Arrange for a wacky photoshoot

This is another enjoyable activity with your lover, particularly if you have some time off work. You could bring a friend with a camera over to shoot humorous photos of you and your lover dressed in silly clothing! Aside from having good fun, you’ll be creating a lasting memory.

Go to a Zoo

The frequent misconception that zoos are only for children is humorous. On a free day, you and your partner can go to the zoo and amuse yourselves by watching the monkeys do their tricks.

Pay a visit to a theme park

Both of you will feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins here. Riding a Ferris wheel with your significant other is quite romantic (as long as you don’t throw up).

Or simply go hiking…

Why don’t you wear boots and go hiking with your boyfriend?

Painting with your fingers

If it reminds you of your youth, you might feel nostalgic momentarily. Bring those memories back to life with your partner!

Take an ice skating lesson

This isn’t simply another fun activity with your boyfriend; it’s also quite daring. If you or your spouse are skilled skaters, you can go ice skating for fun rather than for special events. Even if you’re not very experienced, seeing each other fall over on the ice will be hilarious.

Construct a blanket fort

Instead of going to the movies, you can make a blanket fort with your friends and watch them there! This is another fun way to relive the joys of your childhood with your boyfriend. You’ll both be as happy and carefree as you were as children.

 Just Watch People

This is perhaps the easiest and most intriguing method to have true fun with your boyfriend. Simply sit with your companion on a bench in a cool area on the street and observe passers-by. “Converse” with them, but don’t be caught!

Play a game of ping-pong

The game’s rules are the most fun aspect of it. Before the game, you may make a rule that anyone who loses will have to work for the winner for the rest of the day… It’s risky but a lot of fun!

Play Strip Poker

Here’s an opportunity to spice up your relationship. On a pleasant day, you may undress for each other and…see how the evening unfolds.

Spa day at home

Get a lighter, set up your scented candles and massage oils, turn off the lights, and put on a romantic tune, and your spa day is complete!

Fun things to do with your partner at home

Here are some fun things to do at home with your boyfriend:

Host a private wine tasting featuring a variety of cheeses.

You frequently go out to restaurants with your friends for wine, so why not have a (less expensive) wine-and-cheese night with him at home?

Have a board game night with your friends.

Nothing beats genuine, old-fashioned fun. Board games, whether you favour Monopoly or Balderdash, usually make for an entertaining evening.

Hold a cooking contest.

Treat it like a MasterChef episode, and compete to create delectable dishes. Following that, you can dine on each other’s meals by candlelight.

Establish a workout program at home.

You don’t need to go to the gym when you can work up a sweat at home. (There’s also no need to use the gym’s showers.) Make an exercise schedule and then work together to burn some calories.

Make a fort out of your living room furniture.

Build a pillow fort in your living room to relive childhood memories. You can simply unwind in its cosiness and believe you’re on a camping trip with your partner.

Have a video game marathon with your friends.

If your video gaming abilities aren’t up to pace, why not have your significant other teach you? Once you’ve mastered the basics, challenge them to a friendly competition.

Make a photo album or remembrance book.

Spend time together reminiscing about your firsts, and make a memory book with your photos, movie tickets, dinner receipts, and other mementoes.

Hold a sketching contest.

Take turns drawing each other. Even if neither of you is a painter, you can laugh about each other’s pictures afterwards.

Treat yourself to a spa day at home.

Spend some precious time relaxing and making DIY facials. You don’t need to spend much money at an expensive spa when you can create one at home.

Have a read-aloud session with each other.

Choose some of your favourite books and read them aloud to one another. It’ll be a pleasant change from reading individual novels. You’ll also better understand what makes your S/brain O tick.

Play a game of poker.

Learn the rules, get some poker chips, and get ready to layer. Strip poker is usually preferable to traditional poker.

Get together on Sundays to watch football.

Prepare a plate of loaded nachos and root for your favourite sports teams. Sports, after all, bring people together.

Host a fondue party.

Don’t waste your money on melted cheese in a high-end restaurant. Make your fondue night and eat as much of the ooey-gooey bliss.

For dinner, have breakfast in bed.

Breakfast in bed is enjoyable, but breakfast for dinner is much more so. Everyone likes this simple, delectable dish that allows for creativity, so why not make it one evening after the sun has set?

Working on a home renovation project is a good idea.

You can repaint the walls of your apartment, make a new headboard, or finally fix your coffee table.

However, working on a home project together is fun and fosters teamwork, which is crucial in any relationship.

Fun things to do with your partner in the winter

Consider this your go-to guide if you want a non-traditional date this winter. For exceptionally frigid days and nights, check out these fun things to do with your boyfriend or girlfriend in the winter.

Build a Snowman

Making a snowman, like building a sandcastle, may appear childish, but there’s something inherently romantic about creating something together—and enjoying your work once it’s completed.

Take a Hike

Even if you don’t consider yourself outdoorsy, a winter hike with your significant other may persuade you otherwise. After all, isn’t a beautiful view with the one you love worth it? You can even bring a picnic to enjoy at the midway point.

Drink a cup of hot cocoa

Whether or whether you’re a seasoned cook, you’ll be astonished at how simple it is to prepare hot chocolate from scratch: In a small saucepan, mix the milk, cocoa powder, and sugar until well incorporated and warm.

Skate on the ice

Ice skating is similar to bowling in that it is more difficult than it appears, and few people consider themselves experts, which makes it a fun date option. You may laugh about how clumsy you are and help each other get back up when you fall.

Obtain a Sled

This is your chance to play in new snow as an adult if you’ve never done so before. You’re both in for a fun and quirky winter date, whether you race down little or large hills or share a sledge with your companion.

Visit the Theater

Sometimes, we need a reason to get dressed up to break up the monotony of winter. If you don’t feel like going out to dinner but still want to wear your heeled boots, your neighbourhood theatre is the perfect location.

Put on a Movie

Dinner and a movie may not be the most creative date night concept, but there’s a reason it’s so popular. Winter is also award season, so you might want to watch an intellectual drama or a foreign film.

Indoor skydiving is a fun activity to try.

You should not fear heights if you want to participate in this adventurous sport. If you’ve always wanted to experience skydiving but aren’t sure about leaping out of a plane, you’ll love floating in a skydiving simulator.

Board games to play

Snow days are a fantastic excuse to stay in your pajamas and play board games all day. Chess is a great alternative because it’s meant for two people, requires thought, and allows you to be competitive.

Plan a Picnic

Even though a classic picnic is best enjoyed outside, eating sandwiches and fruit on the front lawn in the winter may not be the greatest option.

Hanging in the living room lacks the energizing sunshine that we associate with a picnic, but you won’t miss the outdoors on your comfortable date.

Climb the Rocks

Indoor rock climbing is a sport that can be done solo or with a partner (either as a spotter or a fellow climber). Allow this date to be the equivalent of a trust fall; you’ll need to communicate effectively and collaborate to ensure you both reach the top and have a good time.

Practice Yoga

Nothing beats yoga for blood pumping, especially when a boyfriend is leading you through poses or flowing with you. Simple guided Asana should serve if one of you is a beginner.

Bake a Gingerbread House

A gingerbread home is a traditional winter decoration. You can make the cookies from scratch, but we won’t hold it against you if you buy a store-bought gingerbread cookie kit.

Prepare a pizza

Cooking with your family can be fun if you can agree on a dish. Pizza is a sure bet that will please everyone. Did we mention it’s also really simple to make? Learn how to throw dough and design patterns with toppings for an instant work of art.

Visit an antiquarian store.

A date spent antiquing can provide a lot of laughs. There are usually strange objects for sale, which may pique your interest. Plus, you’ll be reminded of the fun day you got them every time you pass them in your home.

Fun things to do with your partner in bed

To shake things up, try one or more of these fun things to do in bed with your boyfriend or lover tonight.

Experiment with different positions

The Kama Sutra lists 64 different sexual positions. After three or four, most couples are exhausted. There are a couple of things that work for him and a couple of things that work for her, and they adhere to them every time. A sexual routine like this can easily get boring.

Keep the lights turned on… or off

Single people preferred having sex with the lights on, according to a survey of nearly 2,000 people. Intercourse in a dimmer, darker setting is preferred by persons who have been in a relationship or are married.

Experiment with light bonding

According to research conducted by Magliano (2015), anywhere from 2% to 62 per cent of couples embrace BDSM. If that gap is bothering you, remember how the question is phrased. Anything from lightly holding your partner down to handcuffs and ball gags could be considered BDSM.

Disseminate Fantasies

Don’t neglect the best source for suggestions for things to attempt in bed with your boyfriend or girlfriend—asking your boyfriend or girlfriend. Your spouse may be embarrassed by his or her sexual fantasies, having been raised to believe they were immoral or bad.

Get down and dirty

Many individuals are uncomfortable talking nasty in bed, but it might be a great way to liven things up if you’re bored in the bedroom.

You can be worried about seeming silly if you’re not used to talking nasty. Indeed, if you yell, “Give it to me!” or “You’re a naughty girl!” half-heartedly, you can get laughter instead of moans.

Be Brave

Rough bedroom play, like BDSM, can be daunting. You can be in love with this person and don’t want to hurt them. Despite this, 62 per cent of women who responded to an OKCupid poll indicated they like rough sex.


According to informal polls, the majority of people who give climax blowjobs swallow the ejaculate. Give it a shot if you or your spouse have previously opposed this.

Anal Game

Anal is taboo, the last frontier, and the domain of gay men. Women aren’t meant to like it, and straight males aren’t supposed to like it either. The numbers, on the other hand, reveal a different narrative. According to a National Institutes of Health survey, 43 per cent of men and 37 per cent of women have experienced anal intercourse at least once in their lifetimes.

Massages are exchanged

After a long day, sex may feel like too much pressure, but who doesn’t enjoy a massage? Aromatic perfumes, calming music, and velvety linens are all options. It’s a terrific way to appreciate each other’s physiques and make each other feel good without having to engage in sexual activity.

Try on different outfits

If you commit to it, sexual role acting may turn every sex session into a new adventure and an opportunity to explore deep, possibly forbidden quirks like intergenerational relationships, power dynamics, or ethnic fetishization.

Alter your power roles

Many couples have one dominant partner, but having the submissive partner take charge for a night—initiate, choose the position, act rough, and talk abusively—can be a welcome change of pace.

Get out of the bed

Leaving the bedroom is one of the best methods to try something new in the bedroom. When you’re sure of your privacy, have your sex session wherever you like in your house.

Include something delectable

Consider food play—chocolate sauce, marshmallows, strawberries, eating sushi off each other’s bodies, splashing champagne all over each other’s bodies… the endless possibilities.

Locate lube

Lube isn’t just for anal sex; it can also improve hand jobs, toy play, and vaginal sex. Even if they don’t like role-playing or toys, lube should be in every couple’s sex arsenal.

Go to bars and pick each other up

Relive the exhilaration of being single without rejection or regret. Dress up, go out separately, and act as if you don’t know each other.

Every pick-up line will be effective. Get each other drunk and in the mood to make terrible judgments on the spur of the moment. “This is something I never do!” “Do you want to go to my place or yours?” (It’s in the same location.)

Have fun with toys

Many long-term partnerships rely heavily on sex toys. Women shouldn’t have to give up their beloved vibrators just because they have a partner in bed with them regularly.

Be unpredictable

Chores, bills, meals, and must-see TV all contribute to the suffocation of once-sparking relationships. When you run out of things to do in bed with your lover, here’s a fun idea: convert those dull rituals into an advantage.

Experiment with sex in public

Now, we’re entering a dangerous zone that only experts should enter. For many couples, having sex in public is the ultimate rush—the thrill of spontaneity, the danger of being caught. Let’s talk about becoming discovered. Public indecency laws prohibit sex in many public settings.

Make a Sex Tape

Knowing you’re acting for the camera can add some spice. Make your homemade porno and come back later to see how hot you appear.

Just keep security in mind. Unless you’re a reality TV star, you probably don’t want your handmade sex tape to end up on your favourite porn website.

Invite Others

This is a sensitive topic. Many couples are sick to their stomachs at the thought of their loving spouse touching another person.

What Can Couples Do for Fun?

  • Make a Date Night Plan (or Day)
  • Exercise.
  • Cooking together is a good idea.
  • Massage for two people.
  • Redecorate.
  • Dance.
  • Reading.
  • Listen to an audiobook or a podcast.

How Do You Entertain Your Boyfriend?

  • tell him you’ll meet him at a park or the beach for a walk (particularly if he’s had a difficult day).
  • Prepare a meal for him while wearing nothing but your underwear…
  • Tell him to sit on the floor in front of the couch while you watch TV together, and give him an unexpected massage.


Have you noticed that your relationship has become a little monotonous or boring? Are you looking for fun things to do with your boyfriend to rekindle your romance? Then go through the selections above and choose the one that best suits your needs. We’ve compiled a list of over 49 exciting and fun things to do with your boyfriend or partner! So sit back and relax.

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