cute questions to ask your girlfriend

These cute questions to ask your girlfriend are ideal for getting to know a new girlfriend or determining whether a girlfriend you’ve had for a while is truly the one for you.
Remember that many questions are serious, so choose the appropriate time. Here are cute questions to ask your girlfriend when you’re having a serious talk and questions to ponder over dinner.

Cute Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

We’ll try to provide some commentary on each question or set of questions to help you understand what to look for in an answer, but feel free to skip it if you prefer. After all, here is the best list of cute questions to ask your girlfriend!

Remember that it’s all about balancing what’s most important to you.

If you and your partner completely disagree on a question, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should end your relationship. It simply means you should monitor that issue and determine its importance in the relationship.

Also, remember to listen to her responses without passing judgment. If her answers differ from yours, it does not imply that she is incorrect or flawed; it simply indicates that she is not the same as you.

1. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what your ideal life would be like. Describe it as thoroughly as possible.

These and the following questions are great, cute questions to ask your girlfriend to find out what she wants out of life and what kind of life she would live if everything went perfectly. You can compare your girlfriend’s response to your life goals to see if they match.

So, if your ideal life is traveling around the world with nothing but a backpack and no worries, but her perfect life is starting a business from the ground up, you two need to talk.

2. How would a typical day in your ideal life look like? Do you have a single perfect life, or can you imagine several?

Also, even though they tell you a lot, they are great, lighthearted questions you can ask whenever you want.

3. What should a woman’s role in a relationship be? What about a man’s role?

This is an important question so you can enter the relationship regarding roles on the same page. If you and your partner have wildly different ideas about your roles, you must settle that before you get too far into the relationship.

4. Should a couple’s roles change when they marry or move in together?

These cute questions to ask your girlfriend are great for determining how your roles in the relationship may change or how she expects them to change.

You should compare your expectations to hers and see how they compare. If you want a more traditional relationship and she wants to be more progressive, I guarantee you’ll have serious fights.

5. What was the most serious relationship you’ve ever had? How long did it go on for? What happened to make it end? What did you find appealing or repulsive about him?

Okay, don’t be jealous when she talks about ex-boyfriends; you, too, have ex-boyfriends. You are not required to compare her ex to yourself.

This is useful information about what she prefers and dislikes in a relationship. It will also reveal more about her attitude toward serious relationships.

6. Have you ever cheated on anyone? What transpired?

This one is a land mine, so proceed with caution. That being said, it’s useful information to have. I could be wrong, but I believe there is a reason why people say, “once a cheater, always a cheater.”

Has she been unfaithful to more than one boyfriend? So, there’s a chance she’ll cheat on you. The same is true for you. I don’t believe the rule only applies to women.

7. How much time did you spend with ex-boyfriends on average? Were you concerned that there wasn’t enough time or that there wasn’t enough time? What were your usual methods of dealing with ex-boyfriends?

Okay, just once more. Seriously. There will be no jealousy over ex-boyfriends. Don’t be that person. These cute questions to ask your girlfriend essentially tell you how much space you should give her.

Some guys prefer to have their girlfriends around all the time, while others do not. The same goes for females. Some girls prefer to spend as much time as possible with their boyfriends, while others prefer to maintain some distance. It’s just a matter of taste.

8. What are the three most vexing things a boyfriend can do? What about the best three things?

Things that irritate her = don’t do them. Things she enjoys = try to do them.

9. What was the most daring/crazy thing you did last month? What is the most daring/outlandish thing you’ve ever done?

This one will reveal whether she is risk-seeking or risk-averse. You may need to stretch your comfort zone if she is much more daring than you.

If you are more adventurous than she is, be prepared for her to refuse to accompany you on your adventures. And she might not want you to do anything risky.

10. Do you prefer being outside or inside?

Is she an indoor person, and you’re not? Expect her to resent being dragged along on camping trips. She’s an outdoor person, and you’re not? You should get some hiking boots.

If you and your partner are extremely dissimilar, you could try compromising by going on cabin trips.

11. What are the three most valuable possessions you own?

You’ll have to delve a little deeper into this one. Is it a sentimental thing? She most likely has a sentimental streak. Something useful?

She isn’t likely to be sentimental. Is it something pricey or something she can flaunt? Prepare to say goodbye to your money.

These are also great cute questions for your girlfriend because they will help you develop gift ideas later. Or, at the very least, gift categories.

Get her something that reminds her of your relationship, Sentimental. Give her something practical that will help her with her hobbies. And so on…

12. What would you do if a close friend made disparaging remarks about you?

This question reveals how she handles conflict. Is she a mediator? Or is she escalating things? Or is she simply avoiding it? She’ll probably handle conflicts in the same way you do.

Perhaps she’ll try to make amends, become enraged, or simply stop speaking to you.

13. What are your top three movies and television shows? What are your three least favorite movies or television shows?

This surprisingly practical question will reveal how much you and your partner will enjoy going to see movies and watching shows together.

Does she watch shows/movies with you that are completely unrelated to her tastes? She could simply be amusing you and watching them because you enjoy them.

If that’s the case, she’ll probably grow tired of making you laugh and start watching what she enjoys.

14. What do you consider to be the ideal Saturday night?

This one will tell you what she enjoys doing. Sure, she’ll probably do what you want for a few Saturday nights, but as the relationship progresses, she’ll want to do what she wants.

So, if you enjoy partying but she does not, or if you enjoy chilling and playing video games but enjoy going out, that will be a problem.

15. How many sexual partners have you had in your life? Have you ever had sex without protection?

Yes, these are some basic cute questions to ask your girlfriend, but they are extremely important to know. She’ll be curious as well. It’s a tittle-tittle-tittle-tittle

And don’t get too worked up about her answers if she’s had a lot of sexual partners or if she’s had more than you. It’s not a contest. After all, you probably want a girlfriend who enjoys sex as much as you do.

16. What are the two things you’d like to have more of while having sex? Is there anything you’ve wanted to try in the bedroom but have been too shy to ask for?

A healthy relationship requires a good sex life. In the bedroom, you should both try to make each other happy. But don’t feel obligated to try something you’re not sure about.

And don’t put any pressure on her to try something she’s not sure about. If either of you isn’t having fun with your sex, it will end badly for both of you.

17. How frequently do you enjoy having sex?

This question will help you determine how well your expectations about the frequency of sex correspond. If one person in a relationship has a vastly different number than the other, it is usually a bad omen for the relationship.

However, you can try taking it out and finding a middle ground. Simply put, don’t try to force the issue. All you have to do now is decide how important sex is in your relationship.

18. When is the best time of day for sex?

This will give you an idea of what time of day she will likely be in the mood. It is definitely useful information.

19. How well do you manage your finances?

At least one of you should be financially savvy. If you and your partner are both bad with money, one of you will need to improve your money management skills.

And you should probably decide whether you are in a serious relationship or want to live together.

20. What is worth spending extra money on to get the best?

This question will reveal what she’ll be spending money on. It can also reveal what she values.

21. What do you consider to be a waste of money?

If you spend money on it, this one will tell you what she’ll be angry about.

22. Which of the following is the best thing about money: it provides security, allows you to make good memories, or will enable you to buy nice things?

This question will reveal whether she is a saver, a valuer of experiences, or objects. You can do whatever you want with that knowledge.

23. When should a man pay for something in a relationship, when should a woman pay for something, and when should they split the cost?

This is mostly for new relationships, but it’s always a good idea to know what expectations are on the table.

More Cute Questions to ask your girlfriend

Here’s a list of more cute questions to ask your girlfriend. There is no commentary here; it is just a list of questions from which you can choose the ones that interest you.

24. What are you aware of that you are not supposed to be aware of?

25. What is a good relationship tip that also appears to be a bad idea?

26. What is it that you need to vent about?

27. What causes you to have a low opinion of someone?

28. What would the title of a sitcom based on your life be?

29. Do you have any unwritten rules in your family?

30. What is the most egregious downward spiral you’ve ever witnessed?

31. What is the most surprising thing you’ve recently discovered?

32. Describe your ideal lifestyle.

33. How do you define success?

34. What is the most depressing film you’ve ever seen?

35. What would you like to eat as your last meal?

36. Where is the best place to meet amazing people?

37. What is the best item you own?

38. What popular shows or films have you yet to see?

39. What is the most romantic thing you’ve heard about someone doing for another person?

40. What is the most revolting or frightening story you’ve heard?

41. What is the scariest thing you can think of?

42. What is the worst ice cream flavor?

43. What movie scene strongly impacted you as a child but would probably not bother you now?

44. Would you be interested in dating yourself? Assuming “other you” is a gender to which you are attracted.

45. What should be common knowledge but isn’t for some reason?

46. What 30 seconds of your life would you erase if you could?

47. What salad dressing is unlikely to exist but would be fantastic if it did?

48. From what mistakes in your life have you learned the most?

49. What unusual food combinations do you like, and which do you despise?

50. What are some things you just can’t seem to get your head around?

51. What item of clothing always draws a lot of attention when you wear it?

52. What are some of the most vexing occurrences on social media?

53. What are some of your skills that are below average and some that are above average?

54. As a child, where was your favorite place to play outside your house?

55. Which foreign film is your favorite?

56. What is the most dangerous non-illegal habit a person can have?

57. What do you think about when you can’t sleep and are lying in bed?

58. Do you have any job-related horror stories?

59. What would it be if you were tasked with inventing a completely new and wildly entertaining sport?

60. What is your favorite food?

Random Flirty, Cute Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

Relationships are all about bonding. These random, cute questions to ask your girlfriend about her will help you understand her better and strengthen your bond.

  1. How much do you believe I adore you?
  2. Can you guess what I like best about you?
  3. What is the most enticing thing a partner could wear?
  4. What is the most enticing dream you’ve ever had?
  5. Do you enjoy being told how beautiful you are?
  6. How do you prefer a guy to express his emotions?
  7. In three adjectives, describe the act of making love.
  8. What is your favorite aspect of making love?
  9. How do you prefer a guy to express his emotions?
  10. Would you rather have a passionate kiss or a long, warm hug?
  11. Do you believe it is possible to be overly in love with someone?

Funny Cute Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

Relationships have ups and downs, so they should also have enjoyable moments to cherish and laugh about. You can all laugh together with these funny, cute questions to ask your girlfriend.

72. Do you like the name you were given?

73. Which dinosaur is your favorite?

74. Have you ever lied about your age?

75. Have you ever won a raffle or a contest?

76. When you’re alone, do you ever laugh?

77. What was the worst date you’ve ever had?

78. Would you ever participate in a reality TV show?

79. What is it impossible to have too much of?

80. If your house was on fire, what would you grab?

81. What’s the most amusing thing you’ve ever overheard?

82. Do you plan on attending your high school reunion?

83. What fictional world do you wish existed in real life?

84. When did you last mailed a letter or sent a postcard?

85. What would it be if you had to create a cocktail?

86. What was the most humiliating phase you’ve ever been through?

87. What is the lamest pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

88. Which fictional character do you wish you could be best friends with?

89. Would you rather go without your phone or toilet paper for a day?

90. Do you want a sports car, a private jet, or a boat? Do you want to be well-known?

91. What would it be if you were stuck in an elevator and had to listen to only one song?

92. What fitness craze, popular TV show, or other cultural phenomenon do you find difficult to comprehend?

Dirty Cute Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

When you spend a lot of time with someone in a relationship, running out of topics to discuss is natural.

If you are intimate and close to your partner, then try these naughty, nasty, and dirty cute questions to ask your girlfriend to get closer to her.

93. Do you have a vibrator?

94. Do you have a fetish?

95. What is your favorite bedtime activity?

96. What is your least favorite bedtime activity?

97. Tell me about the strangest place you’ve ever had sec.

98. Do you enjoy giving and/or receiving oral secretarial?

99. What is your preferred sexual position?

100. What is your least favorite sexual position?

101. Have you ever attempted to make a sex tape?

102. Have you ever visited a strip joint?

103. What is the most enticing quality in a partner?

104. Do you enjoy being dominated?

105. Do you like uniformed men?

106. Have you ever called out a booty?

107. Do you prefer to be the boss?

108. Where do you like to be touched the most?

109. What are your fantasies?

110. What is the most enticing book you’ve ever read?

111. What is the sexiest thing a lover can say in bed?

112. Where do you dislike being touched the most?

113. Is the thought of two men having sex appealing to you?

114. Have you ever felt drawn to a woman? If so, have you ever followed through on it?

How Do I Make My Girlfriend Laugh?

To make a woman laugh, use your genuine personality, teasing, funny jokes, funny stories, and other types of absurd, over-the-top, or ‘edgy’ comedic communication to tickle her funny bone and engage her sense of humor—preferably in person. You can also do it via text or phone.

What Should I Ask My Girlfriend When Bored?

Who would you want to direct, and who would play you in a film about your life?

What’s a strange question you’ve been meaning to ask me but haven’t gotten around to it?

When you were a kid, what did you imagine it would be like to be an adult?

How Do I Make My Girlfriend Laugh?

To make a woman laugh, use your genuine personality, teasing, funny jokes, funny stories, and other types of absurd, over-the-top, or ‘edgy’ comedic communication to tickle her funny bone and engage her sense of humor—preferably in person. You can also do it via text or phone.

What Should I Ask My Girlfriend When Bored?

Who would you want to direct, and who would play you in a film about your life?

What’s a strange question you’ve been meaning to ask me but haven’t gotten around to it?

When you were a kid, what did you imagine it would be like to be an adult?


So there you have it, my cute questions to ask your girlfriend. Hopefully, they’ll be able to assist you and provide you with useful information about your relationship. Remember, as I previously stated. None of these questions is a deal-breaker in a relationship; simply remember what is most important to you.

Cute questions to ask your girlfriend

Ways to keep a girl interested over chatting

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