BEST FIRST DATE IDEAS: 71+ Creative & Irresistible Ideas in 2024


We understand if you’re sick of first-date clichés like going out to dinner, seeing a movie, and/or visiting the bar—so there’s much more out there if you take the time to look. Cities have increased their ability to provide truly unique experiences, and even if you don’t live in one, you can reproduce some of the best first date ideas at home.

When you’re trying to get to know someone (and you’ve been on a lot of first dates, so don’t feel bad!) You could prefer a natural experience, such as attending a class together or attempting a new activity.

You’ll be both out of your comfort zones, and you’ll avoid the conversational clichés that leave you yawning. Enjoy your pasta at a neighbourhood date place.

Best First Date Ideas 

Many of these take place in silence or allow you plenty of opportunities to talk about what’s going on around you; even if the date doesn’t work out, you still get to have fun!

Plus, putting a person in a setting they aren’t used to, such as cycling or going to an arcade, will help you get to know them better. To get you started, here are 71 of the best first-date ideas.

Gaze at the Stars Together

The perfect date consists of you, the great outdoors, the ideal social distancing meet-up, and your date, who you hope is as enthusiastic about this as you are. Bring a cosy blanket, some snacks, and a relaxing song to enjoy your evening beneath the stars.

Prepare the pasta

Carbs and a romantic partner? Please add us to the list. Buying boxed noodles may appear to be more convenient, but watching someone make the dough is an unsaid turn-on. (I went ahead and said it.)

Go Ax Throwing

This is not only the best first date idea, but it’s also a terrific stress reliever. Throwing a heavy axe at a wooden target has a way of making us forget about our troubles, allowing us to act as if we’re on a one-on-one Bachelor date.

Visit a Local Sports Event

Sure, it’s exciting to see your hometown or state’s team compete, but try a sport you’ve never seen or supported before, such as netball or rowing.

Local colleges and universities frequently hold open-to-the-public games, and there should be enough room to sit, watch, and listen to each other while cheering.

Look for a Swimming Pool

This could be a roof deck with a water feature in the summer, a jacuzzi, or splashing around in a public pool in the winter. It’s a calm and chill vibe if you’re just sitting around the poolside. If you’re truly diving in (pun intended) while wearing your bathing suit, that could be very attractive, right? Before you go, make sure your date is okay with it. It is also the best first date idea.

Visit IKEA.

I know what’s on your mind… “Why would I go to a furniture store?” you might wonder. This isn’t just any furniture business, either. No one has ever sighed before announcing their intention to visit the famous Swedish furniture store. It also features a food court with some amazing cake, which is perfect after a long day of designing your dream place.

Visit Wine School

Yes, you read that correctly: Wine school, not just wine sampling. As you learn how to taste the beverage properly, discern between sorts, determine what you like most, and, yes, drink some great wine, you will feel both classy and cultured. While you sip, there’s always something to talk about!

Decorate a Room

Okay, so this doesn’t have to be your go-to move for a first date if you’re not comfortable having someone over to your house right away. But maybe your date may benefit from your interior design expertise! Possibly, there’s a common spot you could all work on beautifying!

Go for skydiving.

Another one of the best first date ideas that sounds like something out of The Bachelor, impress your thrill-seeking date with one of the coolest activities available.

Obviously, it will depend on your region, and you could substitute another heights-heavy activity like bungee jumping in its place. Still, it will instantly establish you as the greatest first date ever.

Participate in a Scavenger Hunt.

Take a page from Leslie Knope’s book and become a neophyte treasure hunter! Geocaching is one type of worldwide treasure hunt; some towns hold formal searches, while universities such as MIT hold competitive annual tournaments.

You may also lessen the stakes and simply stroll around, checking if you can spot specific objects. It’s like going for a hike but with a purpose!

Locate a Comfortable Coworking Space

Listen, both you and your date have a lot on their plates. If you’re having trouble connecting outside of work, consider bringing your work with you on a date! Coworking environments have evolved beyond the drab cubicles of the past, and you don’t need to be continuously conversing if you’re simply working together quietly.

Throw a Mini-Party

On the other hand, go all out with a themed party (guests: the two of you!) complete with inexpensive décor, lighting, and festive cocktails.

You could do a children’s party, a luau, a ’90s costume party, or something else entirely. If you want to make it a double-date event, go ahead; otherwise, just make it the most exclusive party ever.

Go to a Thrift Store for Shopping.

Go to your local Goodwill and give each other around 30 minutes to select the weirdest outfits to wear to dinner the next night. Look at you, having a good time while being environmentally conscious! The winner gets to pick where you’ll eat later, so make it special.

Do some window shopping.

Similarly, if your neighbourhood has a street lined with shops, go down it without making any impulse purchases.

Enter an outrageously expensive store with items you can’t afford or a knickknack store with strange trinkets to start a hilarious chat.

Learn a Little History

You may be unfamiliar with the local history immediately outside your door, especially if you’ve recently relocated (and if you’re like me, you only do “touristy” things like this when you have relatives or friends in town).

Prioritize underestimated or lesser-known parts of your city, and strive to take advantage of this opportunity to become knowledgeable citizens of your chosen region. If you’d rather ride and listen, some cities offer bus tours.

Take a Tour by Boat

Alternatively, if you’d prefer to see things from the water, a water taxi or duck boat tour might be a great date choice (and some boats even serve beverages!).

Obviously, this necessitates the presence of a large body of water. Kayaking or fishing at a neighbouring lake is two more great first-date ideas for those who are stuck on the ground.

Solve a Puzzle

Call us old-fashioned, but nothing beats putting together a 500-piece puzzle with someone you care about.

The discussion flows naturally, and if you run out of topics to discuss, simply hold up a piece and ask where its counterpart is. Suddenly, there’s a conversation.

Skate on the ice

Bundle up, mask included, and head to your neighbourhood ice rink to show your support. People come together when they learn or teach (you, little pro!) something new, so get ready to see the sparks fly. After that, don’t forget to have some hot chocolate!

Play a Computer Game

You no longer need to be in the same room to play video games with your friends in the twenty-first century. Gaming systems that you can take with you, such as the Nintendo Switch, allow you to compete with friends from anywhere. Another great first date idea is to go to a museum.

Get your tie-dying on!

For good reason: seventies fashion is making a comeback, so now is the ideal time for you and your date to join in.

Get a tie-dye kit from your local craft store, put it up outside, and compete to see who can make the most vibrant tee.

Enroll in a Cooking Class

Once you figure out who is better in the kitchen, you’ll be able to tell if the relationship has a shot. If you approach it with the appropriate mindset—just have fun and be willing to make a mess!—you’ll have a great time.

In the Park for Yoga

Dress for a workout and head to the park for some fresh air and relaxation. Partner yoga poses are always changing, and you may get to know each other in a variety of ways (lol). They’ll also have a new appreciation for how difficult yoga is.

Local Volunteering

Consider volunteering together if you both have a cause you believe in (or if there’s a location nearby that needs your help). There will be plenty to keep you occupied, you will feel like your time was well spent, and you may even form bonds as a result of the experience.

Observe the Sun Rise

This may not be for everyone (for example, someone who dislikes waking up early), or for every season, but there’s something beautiful about stepping out early in the morning with a group of friends to watch the sky change color.

Support the Arts in your Community

You can almost always find a local play, poetry reading, dance group, or other public events to attend, and you’ll be supporting local culture even if it’s not your cup of tea.

Share a Plate—Virtually

Obviously, if one of you is sick or squeamish, this will not work, but a fondue restaurant or traditional Japanese shabu-shabu allows you to prepare your food in the same shared pot. The latter is adaptable and provides you with something to speak about as you wait for your beef and vegetables to boil slowly in a pot.

Watch a Classic Film Outside.

During the summer, there are lots of open-air venues such as parks and rooftops to visit; even better, many of them host old, classic movies or shows. The communal environment and vintage film are a winning combination.

Organize a Movie/TV Watch Party

Okay, I realize this sounds like a spruced-up Netflix and Chill. But bear with me! This is something that a lot of clubs, restaurants, and social organizations do (hello, Succession), and it’s a fun way to join in on shared enthusiasm.

Go for a Run in the City

If you and your new date are both sports fans, what better way to bond than by sharing a common interest? A workout class, a trip to the gym, or even just strolling at a reasonable pace can all be good options for those looking for a more…call, let’s it, low-key activity.

Take a (Short) Vacation

If you enjoy traveling but don’t want to (or can’t) travel far, take a bus or train an hour out to view the local attractions and break away from your daily routine. Include local snacks and tours to make it feel like a real vacation.

Participate in an Open Mic Session

It’s one thing to go to a poetry reading or a comedy concert; it’s quite another to get up in front of a group of strangers and bare your soul. This one isn’t for those who are afraid of performing in front of an audience.

Get some sundaes!

If you’re going to grab an ice cream, don’t just walk—lean in. Compete to see who can make the most delectable/ridiculous mixture, then eat them all before they melt. These are also the best first-date ideas

Attend a Burlesque or Drag Performance.

Don’t be frightened! These performances are intended to be entertaining, seductive, and/or hilarious. The atmosphere is loud and raucous, and the food and beverages are usually enjoyed as well.

Visit the spa.

Massages for individuals or couples are available. Relax and unwind in the jacuzzi or sauna! There’s a lot to do here, especially after a long day of work. Just make sure you’re both comfortable (maybe one of you likes a non-nude spa, you know?).

Visit an Open House.

Have you ever walked past a beautiful building’s open house and thought to yourself, “It must be so wonderful in there?” To see how the other half lives, admire some amazing decor and discuss your likes and dislikes.

Look for a Beautiful View

Whether your town/city has a Ferris wheel, observation deck, or other sky-high vistas, go to a spot that allows you to see your surroundings in a fresh light.

Participate in a Meditation Class

This is a great top first date idea if you’re anxious about what to say on your date, right?? Practising beginner’s meditation together, even if you’ve never done it before, will help you relax.

Purchase a present for each other.

Because you obviously don’t know each other very well, go to a knickknack store and try to find anything little and inexpensive to make the other person giggle. These are also the best first-date ideas

Tell us about your favourite hangout spot.

Is there a lovely mural near your house that you adore? Isn’t this the ideal spot to watch the sunset? What’s the name of that little hole-in-the-wall bakery that sells the greatest doughnuts? Take a walk and tell the other person about the tiny things you like about your neighbourhood, and urge them to do the same.

Bike Riding

Get some fresh air and go for a bike ride with your friends. It’s the ideal prelude to the second half of your date: a park picnic where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy each other’s company. And because you exercised, the meal will be worth it!

Look for a Pottery Class

Get your hands dirty and make some art with your partner—it’s a great way to get to know each other while adding to your house. So, even if the date isn’t great, you’ll feel like you didn’t waste your time.

Restaurant Hop

If you’re near one of Eataly’s sites, it’s a terrific place to explore and eat great food. If not, look for some local food trucks to sample (or two or three) what they like.

Obtain an Aura Analysis

ONLY GOOD VIBES. You can play along and say you’re interested in horoscopes, but the truth is you’re there to see if you’re wasting your time (#priorities).

Some people may not be interested, but if you transform it into a pleasant hangout, the date will be far more memorable than dinner and a movie.

Visit a bookstore and go through the books.

If you’re both book fanatics, a day spent perusing your local bookshop is the perfect way to get you talking about your favourite books. It also allows you to make recommendations for things to read next to each other.

Take a Dog Walk Together

If one of you has a dog, take them to the local dog park to catch up and see all the other lovely pets. Note: If your dog isn’t very well-behaved, it could ruin your mood, so make sure you’re ready to deal with any mischief that arises once you arrive.

Visit a Brewery

A brewery tour is one of the top all-season first-date ideas for liquor enthusiasts. It’s a win-win situation: you can drink the latest IPAs and ciders while getting to know one another.

Play a few video games

Get to know your date over an adrenaline-pumping round of arcade games if you have a short attention span and an adventurous spirit.

With a game of foosball, you can bring out your competitive side or join forces as a team against another pair.

Take a tour of a Botanical Garden.

There’s no better spot to go on a date than a botanical garden, with its beautifully manicured lawns and gardens. If you don’t want to be sweating in a greenhouse in the middle of the day, go later in the day or after the summer rush.

Pay a visit to a planetarium.

A planetarium’s calm ambience, paired with the darkroom, is a great setting for a first date. Spend an evening stargazing and learning about the constellations, with plenty of opportunities for hand-holding.

This is a nice, peaceful spot for you to measure each other’s interests and conversational skills, whether you’re a true art enthusiast or just along for the trip.

If you’re worried about running out of things to talk about, go to a fascinating gallery or picture exhibit that’s not too obscure.

Take a Museum Tour

Museums, too, offer fresh or rotating exhibitions, so even if you’ve visited previously, there may be something new to view. They may also have areas to sit, eat, and converse, as well as architecture or gardens with walking paths.

Take in Some #Views

Since the #Gram is such an important part of everyone’s life these days, gather together and become amateur photographers. It’s always great to set the setting for a date with a lovely backdrop, whether you’re catching the breeze on a waterfront stroll or know a particularly scenic park nearby.

Pay a visit to a Karaoke Bar

It’s worth a shot for a fun stranger date if it works for required coworker camaraderie. Even if your voice isn’t quite as good as Zooey Deschanel’s, it’s all about enjoying the moment and expressing yourself.

A Fun-Filled Day of Sports and Games

Take a fun sports bar approach to date night with an alfresco game of badminton or beach volleyball if you’re not into the usual first date stuff.

If the outside gets too hot, head inside for some board games or table tennis. As a starter, this is a fantastic list of the finest first-date ideas.

Take a Skate

Although not all roller skaters are born with the ability to balance, taking a chance on a roller-skating date might lighten the mood of a first date that usually involves wine and food.

Attend a Concert Outside

Because this choice requires a significant time commitment, you might want to get to know each other over a drink or meal beforehand. The benefits of an outdoor event, especially if you and your partner both enjoy the band, are the positive feelings.

Visit the Aquarium.

The peaceful atmosphere of a softly lighted aquarium is the epitome of romance. Take a stroll through the dimly lit chambers, pointing out your favourite critters hidden behind the glass.

Some aquariums have interactive educational exhibits that teach visitors how to clean up the ocean in an environmentally sustainable manner, so you’ll feel like you got something out of it.

Embark on a Ferry Ride

A 30-minute ferry ride from one location to another is the ideal bite-sized date choice for those who don’t want to drag things out over dinner or beverages.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to get some fresh air and decide whether you want to head out for a post-excursion drink or coffee.

At a food festival, sample some delicacies.

Big events like Chinese New Year and annual food festivals are great places to try new foods while getting to know new people.

All the different meal selections and mixing in a crowd will also allow you to assess how adventurous and flexible the other person is.

Visit a Farmers Market.

As you stroll by stands of beautiful fruits, vegetables, and locally manufactured things, you’ll feel sustainable and healthy (and maybe pick up something for dinner).

If you haven’t gone before, it’s also a great way to learn about what’s in season and which amazing local merchants have excellent items to add to your meal rotation.

Go to a Tea Room

If you prefer herbal blends over coffee, start with a relaxing visit to a tea shop. While both of you sip relaxing teas and feel serene, the tea shop proprietor will usually lead you in a ceremony at an ASMR volume.

Visit the Beach

If the weather is beautiful, a day out on the sand is always a relaxing date destination, whether you live near an ocean, lake, or body of water. Wear a two-piece and offer to apply sunscreen if you’re feeling adventurous.

Attend a Carnival

Buying carnival tickets will appeal to your inner child. Yes, I realize it’s clichéd.

But embrace the cheesiness—share cotton candy, let them attempt to win you a prize, and, if you’ve got the stomach for it, ride a roller coaster.

Climb the Rocks

There’s nothing quite like being hung from tremendous heights on a harness while clinging for dear life to do it if you both have an appetite for adventure and want to put your dating skills to the ultimate “survival test.”

Take Dance Classes

Sign up for an hour of basic dancing instruction with your partner. Even if your partner has two left feet, practising a skill together will strengthen your bond.

Try your hand at bowling

From the beer and inexpensive pizza to the excitement of that first strike, there’s so much fun to be had at a bowling alley, whether you’re a strike machine or a ten-pin rookie.

If you want to avoid total embarrassment, set up the bumper guards or go all-in for a competitive encounter.

Riding on Horseback

We can’t get enough of The Bachelor dates! Spend the afternoon at the stables riding trail horses to recreate a fairy tale romance.

Play a round of mini-golf

Even if you’re way over the age of miniature golf, the low-stakes game allows you to have some lighthearted fun without feeling obligated to compete (and if the other person gets a little crazy about it, that should tell you a lot).

Pack a Picnic Basket

A stroll through the park followed by a picnic lunch on the green is a great way to keep things simple. Choose your favourite frozen delights from an ice cream vendor and relax in the grass while chatting.

Attend a Local Bar’s Trivia Night

At trivia night, combine your skills to make a dream team. As you wrack your brains for city names and bond over your mutual knowledge of obscure horror movies, you’ll giggle.

Make Yourself a Tourist in Your Town

Choose a few nearby places or activities to experience as if you didn’t live there. Going on a local journey will provide you with a unique shared experience and the enjoyable sensation of “discovering” your neighborhood for the first time. A Fanny pack is not required.

What Makes a Good First Date?

A good first date is only as good as the follow-up, which involves setting up another date. You could do it right now, but you should usually avoid putting someone on the spot. Instead, write a quick message to say thank you for a nice time and propose a time and place to meet up again.

What Are Fun Dating Questions?

  • What would you do if you only had one day left to live?
  • Where do you want to go on vacation the most?
  • What would you do with $10,000 if you won it?
  • What do you find most appealing about me?
  • What one thing about me would you like to change?
  • When you were younger, who was the first person you kissed?


We’ve collected a list of the best, non-boring, and highly researched first date ideas that are sure to impress your date while also laying the foundation for a long-term relationship.

What is the three-date rule?

Should you kiss on the first date?

How to impress on the first date

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