WORKOUT GOALS: 15+ Achievable Goals for Couples This Year & Practical Steps


Doing the correct workout for your fitness goals is critical to get the desired results. You should structure an exercise schedule based on your desired objective, just as you wouldn’t do an hour of cardio a day if you wanted to grow muscle. First and foremost, consider why you want to exercise. Is your goal to shed weight, tone up, build your muscles, or simply improve your fitness level? The solutions to some of the most asked questions are surprisingly simple.

Workout Goals

People choose to exercise for a variety of reasons. Our bodies aren’t the same, our fitness goals aren’t the same, and we all work differently. This is why many people engage a personal trainer to assist them in reaching their workout goals.

However, as unique as we are, some workout goals arise frequently and are the same or comparable for numerous people. Let’s take a look at some of the most typical workout goals:

Getting rid of fat

The desire to lose weight is the single most prevalent workout objective among people who decide to begin exercising. In addition to exercising, you should seek advice on changing your dietary habits and lowering your caloric and carb intake.

Muscle development

Some people do not have an issue with their weight. Instead, they want to gain muscle to improve their appearance and feel. This entails heavy lifting, long sessions, and a higher protein intake. When seeking muscle mass, seeing a personal trainer is the greatest alternative.

Increasing your endurance

Others become exhausted after climbing a few flights of stairs. This encourages people to begin exercising and enhance their endurance. High-intensity intervals of 20-30 minutes are ideal, especially if you use steppers or rowers. Boost your heart rate and keep going.

Increasing the degree of flexibility

To enhance your flexibility, go to a personal trainer first. They will assess your situation and assist you in moving forward. You can still do some PNF and static stretches, but avoid overdoing it and stretching through pain.


Last but not least, some folks simply wish to tone their bodies. They don’t want to gain too much muscle mass but don’t mind gaining a little fat.

This also necessitates physical activity and dietary changes. While a toned body may appear less difficult to achieve than a muscular one, it requires significant effort. Whatever your workout goals, wear clothes that don’t restrict your motions and allow your skin to breathe.

Couple Workout Goals

Physical fitness is one factor that helps people stay focused and motivated throughout their lives. It’s not easy to set a workout goal, but the most important thing is to stick to it. Couples can take their relationship to the next level of romanticism by working out with their lover.

Always keep the following in mind as you work toward a healthy relationship and fitness goal:

  • Maintain an open mind. The intensity of one’s workout goals varies from person to person. If you can do 500 squats daily, it doesn’t guarantee your boyfriend can; perhaps he excels in another area. So, give them time to get used to their new workout program.
  • A workout session with your significant other is not a competition! So don’t try to turn it into one. Learn to appreciate the time you spend together, whether running or doing something else.
  • Experiment with routines that both couples can complete simultaneously. You’ll be surprised at how much fun it can be.
  • Be a positive influence on your partner. It’s the most important aim of training together and enjoying fitness couple goals.
  • Always run with a friend; you’ll enjoy the rush of burning calories together.

How to Set Workout goals

Workout goals are crucial for various reasons. They keep us accountable, broaden our definition of what is possible, and motivate us to push through current suffering to achieve longer-term progress.

However, determining how to set workout goals you’ll want to achieve might combine art and science. Here are some suggestions for bringing about actual, constructive change.

Concentrate on a single goal at a time.

“One of the biggest mistakes individuals make when it comes to setting workout goals is trying to do too much at once,” Kellen Scantlebury, D.P.T., certified strength and conditioning specialist and founder of Fit Club NY, says. Maybe you’d like to go to the gym daily, avoid extra sugar, and get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Attempting to tackle so much at once is essentially a recipe for disaster.

Personalize it.

It’s easy to be motivated and envy photographs of the highly fit on Instagram. However, basing your own goals on what others have accomplished is neither productive nor practicable.

Make it specific, quantifiable, and time-bound.

According to Vidal, having a measurable goal allows you to track your progress, and the more explicit your goal, the clearer the route to accomplishing it becomes.

Start with a low bar—at least initially.

“Your goal should appear relatively easy or within reach of what you are doing,” says Mike Clancy, a certified strength and conditioning consultant in New York City. Why? He says that if you think it’s simple, you’ve probably already overcome any mental roadblocks that could stymie your development. Regarding your belief that you’ll reach your objective, you should be at a 9 out of 10 on the confidence scale.

Go for the long haul.

We all want quick pleasure, but DiSalvo advises being realistic about the time limit you set for reaching your goal. “Long-term improvements take time,” he says. “You’re never going to do a complete renovation in one week,” Scantlebury continues. Instead, choose a goal that may be accomplished over months or a year.

Recognize what motivates you to achieve your goal.

Some workout goals are motivated by underlying fears, insecurities, or body image issues—for example, wanting to run a marathon because you were bullied in middle school gym class or signing up for a CrossFit class because an ex once commented on your weight—and it’s important to address these issues rather than assuming that achieving your goal will solve them.

Be open-minded about what success means to you.

Though it’s critical to be clear with your goals, it’s also crucial to permit yourself to change them as your fitness journey progresses. Perhaps a goal that looked appropriate initially is far too difficult to keep up with, or vice versa.

Create tiny goals to help you get to your larger goal.

Within your larger aim, set smaller, confidence-building goals you can achieve in less time. Consider the following scenario: you want to run a nine-minute mile.

During your training, set a modest target for yourself, such as running a half-mile in five minutes, to show how far you’ve come and analyze where you are now. “It’s all about those small successes,” DiSalvo explains.

Think about what a professional has to say.

If you’re having trouble assessing your current fitness level, establishing a reasonable goal, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the process, consulting an expert, such as a certified personal trainer, can be beneficial. “A professional can advise you on how realistic your goal is and help you set milestones along the way so you can check in and confirm you’re on track over time,” Ezekh explains.

Be truthful about your past and present habits.

Asking yourself difficult questions can help you honestly assess what’s best for you. Have you ever achieved several fitness goals and want to take them to the next level? DiSalvo says you could probably take on a more difficult goal, such as running a long-distance marathon at a specific pace if that’s the case.

Make preparations for a support system.

When considering your objective, consider who could help you achieve it by encouraging, motivating, and holding you accountable. Then, if you require assistance, recruit them. “It will make a significant impact if the individuals you spend the most time with support your goals,” Ezekh explains.

Workout Goals Examples

One brief word about your workout goals: make sure they’re written in the SMART format. This way, you’ll know when you’ve finished one goal and when it’s time to move on to the next. Keeping your goals organized can also help you stay on track.

  • “By training on Tuesday and Thursday mornings before work and Saturday afternoons, I will run a 10K in five months.”
  • “By replacing soda with water, exercising for at least 150 minutes per week, and eating out only once a week; I will lose 15 pounds in three months.”
  • “This week, I’m going to utilize my smartwatch to track my steps and walk for at least 1,500 calories.”
  • “To be able to do the splits in 12 weeks; I’ll do a daily stretch and one hour of yoga twice a week.”
  • “By keeping a food log and enrolling in an HIIT class at the gym; I will lower my body fat by 20% in the next six months.”
  • “I’m going to perform upper body strength training three times a week for the next six months in order to be able to accomplish 12 consecutive chin-ups.”
  • “Through weight training and boosting my protein intake, I will grow three pounds of muscle mass in the following six months.”
  • “Within the next year, I will reduce my LDL cholesterol by 20 points by decreasing my saturated fat intake, removing trans fats, improving my exercise level, and reducing my alcohol use.”
  • “For the next six weeks, I’ll use pace charts to hold myself accountable for making incremental speed improvements in order to run a 6-minute mile.”

What Are Your Fitness Goals Questions?

Losing weight, getting stronger, exercising three times a week, starting yoga, being more flexible, leading a healthy lifestyle, and so on are all common goals. Focus on minor, manageable improvements for short-term goals. Short and long-term fitness goals will help you track your progress and stay motivated.

Why Is It Important To Set a Fitness Goal?

Fitness goals are an important aspect of your overall wellness plan. Setting goals allows you to hold yourself accountable, demonstrate your capabilities, and help you push through the tough times to make a longer-lasting change.


One of the benefits of workout goals is that even if you focus on one at a time, it can add up to improve your overall health. After completing a few of your goals, you’ll develop confidence in yourself, which will improve your capacity to tackle whatever physical hurdles you face.

Growth comes down to being consistent and dedicated, and there’s no better time than now to get started. So, to get started on your journey to becoming a better version of yourself, customize any workout goals outlined in this article to your scenario.

What are SMART goals for weight loss?

Steps to creating your ideal workout plan

How to plan a workout meal plan

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