When someone wants to become a medical doctor or a lawyer, he spends time, energy, and resources for 6 to 10 years studying and preparing in order to be qualified to practice effectively. This person comes out qualified and also succeeds in his practice because over time, he had prepared well for it. We succeed in those things we prepare for. But we have many people entering into marriage without preparations yet they want to succeed. It’s not possible. We fail in those things we don’t prepare for.

Marital success and fulfillment are not by accident, chance or luck it is a product of solid preparation. If you want to succeed in marriage, then you’ve got to prepare for it just like you go to school to get trained and prepared for a particular course.

The importance of preparation for the success of anything is non-negotiable.

Below are 7 preparations for marriage you need to make:

#1. Spiritual Preparation

God is the Inventor of marriage and if you want to succeed in it, then you must be close to the Inventor.

Hear me, many marriages have crashed because they lack divine covering. When your marriage is not under God’s watch and authority, the devil can do anything he wants with it. So, get prepared spiritually by making sure you’re a true child of God and that you have a divine covering over your marriage.

#2. Physical Preparation

You must learn how to take care of your physical appearance, your dressing, your health, your shape, your hair, and all that.

Though this is not an excuse, many have cheated on their partners because they are unkempt, they look tattered and battered. Especially some women, immediately they got married, they stop paying little or no attention to their physical appearance. They start tying wrappers up and down with their hairs unkempt. Try your best to look neat and take care of your physical appearance.

#3. Emotional Preparation

This is another important preparation you must make if you must succeed in marriage. Many people have ended their marriages because of their inability to control and manage their emotions. Some have killed their partners, others have turned their partners into punching bags.

Therefore, before you marry learn how to control and manage your emotions. Read books on emotional intelligence, anger management, and emotional outburst.

#4. Financial Preparation

Marriage has a lot of financial responsibilities hence the need to be financially prepared. House rents, utility bills, school fees, baby food, hospital bills, feeding, etc., are some of the financial responsibilities involved in marriage.

So, prepare financially. Work, Learn a skill, Learn to make, manage and multiply money. Have at least one steady source of income. If possible, make investments. When there is money, marriage is sweet. Money is a major stakeholder in marriage. Make no mistake about it.

Other Marriage Preparations include:

#5. Intellectual Preparation

In Proverbs 24:3-4 the Bible says; By wisdom, a house is built, by understanding it is established, and through knowledge, its room is filled with treasures.

According to the late Myles Munroe, knowledge is the key to a successful marriage. True saying. Get knowledge about marriage. Read books, attend seminars, get counseling, listen to tapes, and do anything you can find on marriage to help you prepare.

#6. Capacity Development

Marriage carries responsibilities and the level of your capacity will determine how well you handle these responsibilities.

Toilets, plates, bathrooms, etc. don’t wash themselves. Rooms don’t sweep themselves. Babies don’t take care of themselves. Food doesn’t cook itself. People are the ones that will do these things. So, prepare yourself now. Learn to do these things now. Develop the capacities and abilities now.

#7. Character Development

Cultivating good character now is another good preparation you need to make before you marry. Bad character destroys marriage. Character will either make or mar your marriage.

Eliminate every bad character that can destroy your marriage. Every selfish tendency must be dealt with. Badmouth must stop now. Your character either shortens or prolongs your marriage. Work on your character.

Prepare for your marriage. Remember, the best time to prepare for it is now.

Marriage Preparations FAQS

How do I start preparing for marriage?

The following are steps to preparing for marriage;

  • Get started as soon as you can.
  • Decide if it Is it better to have one master list or several sub-lists?
  • Collect checklist ideas.Personalize it.
  • Determine the Timeframes for Your Checklist.
  • Make a Delegation Plan.
  • Make Plans After the Wedding

What should I plan before marriage?

Before taking the big step or plan for marriage every lady should do the following!

  • Travel with your sister or friends
  • Together with your future partner, go on a trip
  • Feel the pain of heartbreak
  • At least one fear must be confronted
  • Talk to your partner about money
  • Live in a different city by yourself
  • Maintain your fitness
  • Love Yourself

What is marital preparation?

Marriage preparations comprise professionals and laypeople working together to help partners develop skills and awareness in order to have a happy marriage.

How long does marriage preparation take?

The time it takes to complete the marriage preparation program varies depending on the pair. Some couples do it over the course of a weekend, while others take a month. The total time spent is approximately 8 hours.

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