Why Am I Crying So Much? Causes & Treatments in 2022

Why am i crying so much

Crying is a universal emotion. People can cry for nearly any reason and at any time. We don’t know a lot about crying, but some experts believe emotional tears, as opposed to ordinary tears that protect your eyes, are also good for you.

So it’s okay if you cry more frequently than you’d like to or for no apparent reason at times.

And because everyone is different, there is no official benchmark for a healthy quantity of crying. But paying attention to your crying habits and how you feel about them is important.

It will help you understand why you’re crying or why you can’t stop crying at times. The question, though, is, how do you go about this? Well, you can’t deal with this without knowing for sure why you cried so much in the first place. So let’s hit the road.

Why Am I Crying So Much?

We still don’t know a lot about crying, including who cries the most and why. Even huge research on crying and its consequences relies on self-reporting, which leads to inconsistent results.

Crying is a mechanism for expressing an emotional response. It communicates to everyone around you that you are feeling something. Depending on how sensitive you are to stimuli and how comfortable you are expressing your feelings freely, you may cry more or less.

Many scientists have sought to determine whether or not “a good weep” that leaves you feeling refreshed is conceivable. The research is divided in general. It may also be affected by how accepting your surroundings are of expressing emotion.

A big study of men and women worldwide discovered that people cry one to ten times per month. In the United States, women cried 3.5 times more than men, who cried 1.9 times more.

This is greater than the global averages of 2.7 times for women and 1 time for males. These are simply averages, and other research has yielded different results.

Hormones Because women cry more than males, it’s a reasonable assumption that hormones influence crying disparities between persons. Testosterone, a male hormone, may inhibit crying, whereas prolactin, a female hormone, may stimulate crying.

Hormones control a large portion of how your body functions, and their levels can produce a wide range of symptoms. Anything that has been altering your hormones, such as sleep, stress, or drugs, is likely to have an impact on how much you cry.

1. Pregnancy

Being pregnant is a lot of work, and crying a lot more is common. If you’re pregnant, both happy and sad emotions can cause a lot of crying.

The following are some of the causes of crying during pregnancy:

  • Significant hormonal changes in your body
  • Exhaustion from physical changes in your body
  • Feeling overwhelmed with all of the pregnancy preparations
  • Higher likelihood of sadness

2. Anxiety and Stress

Stress is a natural reaction to some regular experiences. Stress alerts your body and mind to what is going on. Constant stress, on the other hand, can be an indication of an anxiety condition. Anxiety might keep you from doing what you want and enjoying your life as you want.

In a 2016 study, people’s crying tendencies and how they related to their sense of attachment, safety, and connection to others were investigated. People who suffer from anxiety are more prone to report that sobbing is beneficial but uncontrollable. If you suffer from anxiety, you may cry frequently or uncontrollably.

Other indications of anxiousness include:

  • Thoughts racing
  • Excessive concern and fear
  • Sweaty hands and a racing heart
  • Worry
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Tense muscles
  • Being easily distracted
  • Digestive problems
  • Exhaustion


Many people claim that they cry more easily when they are exhausted. You should get more rest if you’ve been sobbing a lot lately and you know you’re not getting enough sleep. It can take a long time to recover from a lack of sleep.

Every night, adults require seven to nine hours of sleep. Sleeping at odd hours also doesn’t help because your natural hormones make your brain fatigued and require sleep throughout the night.

Anxiety and stress can both make you fatigued, so they may go hand in hand with you. However, it is possible to be weary without having a mental health problem.

To begin compensating for your sleep deprivation, cancel your weekend plans and sleep for at least three hours. Then, for the rest of the week, go to bed an hour or two earlier each night. If changing this habit is difficult, make it a point to spend time in bed reading something relaxing with your phone and email turned off. Shutting down in this manner can help you settle in and fall asleep more easily.

3. Depression

Depression is a medical illness that frequently manifests as sadness, tiredness, or rage. It appears differently in each individual. While it is common to feel sad at times, persons suffering from depression have an unexplainable heaviness for two weeks or more.

Depression is a mental health disease with numerous treatment options. Unexpected tears might be an indication of despair.

Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Significant changes in eating and sleeping habits, as well as weight anxiety and irritation,
  • Pessimism or apathy, weariness or lethargy.
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Inability to focus.
  • Lack of desire for social involvement
  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy

Depression can manifest itself in a variety of ways, depending on the individual. It can happen to anyone, but it is more prevalent in women and usually happens between the ages of 25 and 44.

Working with a doctor can assist you in determining what is causing your symptoms and how to address them. People who seek treatment for depression will notice a significant improvement in their symptoms in approximately 80% of cases.

4. Bipolar Disorders

Uncontrollable sobbing is a common symptom of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, often known as manic depression, is characterized by significant mood swings from high to low moods. More than 2 million adults in the United States are affected.

Bipolar disorder’s depressive phases can resemble depression, although it is generally a fundamentally distinct condition. Bipolar disorder patients will also experience periods of manic excitement and vigor.

Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Strong and unpredictable mood swings
  • Irritability\simpulsiveness
  • Ideas and speech racing
  • Less sleep is required without becoming fatigued
  • Hallucinations caused by grandiose delusions

Bipolar disorder can affect people of any age or ethnicity, and it is frequently handed down through families. A doctor can provide numerous treatment alternatives.

5. The Pseudobulbar Effect

Pseudobulbar affect, also known as emotional lability, can produce uncontrollable sobbing. Since the nineteenth century, reports of uncontrollable laughing or crying have occurred.

Pseudobulbar affect is characterized by inappropriate laughing or sobbing in response to the surroundings or events. It is thought to be caused by brain injury, but more research is needed to understand this disorder completely.
The uncontrollable emotions linked with P.B.A., also known as emotional incontinence, frequently do not match how you feel or what you’re experiencing. P.B.A. may be misinterpreted as depression due to the comparable symptoms. P.B.A. is more common in patients who have:

  • Stroke history
  • Parkinson’s disease (P.D.)
  • Alzheimer’s disease (A.D.)
  • Dementia
  • A.L.S., often known as Lou Gehrig’s illness (a type of multiple sclerosis (M.S.))
  • Personality and gender

According to studies, women cry more frequently than males. One probable explanation is that testosterone inhibits sobbing. Some of the disparities in crying between men and women may be explained by cultural conventions.

Aside from gender differences, persons who are empathic and concerned about the well-being of others may cry more than those who are not. Anxious, insecure, or obsessive persons cry more and for longer periods of time than others.

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States just approved one of the first treatments for the pseudobulbar effect. Consult a doctor if you experience uncontrollable crying at random times and have no other symptoms.

6. Anxiety

We’ve all been nervous and anxious at times. However, if you have an anxiety problem, you may suffer concern and anxiousness on a daily basis. Typical symptoms include:

  • Jittering or irritability.
  • Exaggerated anxiety
  • Muscular tension
  • Exhaustion
  • Difficulties with concentrating or concentration
  • Difficulty sleeping

Why Do We Cry?

The majority of your tears are produced by glands positioned above your eyes. They are known as lachrymal glands. The term lachrymal refers to a tear. Tears flow to your eyes from ducts related to your lachrymal glands every time you blink. This lubricates the surface of your eyes and protects them from pollutants such as dust, smoke, or onion fumes. Tears flow into your nose as well.

Tears are composed of:

  • Water
  • Salt
  • Anti-inflammatory antibodies
  • Enzymes

The chemistry of emotional tears, also known as mental tears, differs from that of tears that moisten and protect your eyes. Psychic tears include a higher concentration of the protein-based substances that your body creates when stressed.

There has been little investigation into the science and psychology of crying. Some researchers feel that crying helps your body get rid of stress hormones. According to other research, tears may cause the release of endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that make you happy and help you feel less pain.

The reaction of people to the chemical content of tears has recently become the topic of investigation. According to studies, men are less violent and sexually aroused when they smell women’s psychological tears.

Do You Find That Crying Makes You Feel Better?

Crying does not always make you feel better. Only about 30% of participants in one study thought weeping improved their mood. Crying may likely make you feel better if:

  • You have the emotional support of a friend.
  • You are crying because of an experience.
  • It allows you to understand your feelings better.
  • It aids in the resolution of an issue or problem.

Seeking Assistance

Don’t try to brazen it out alone if you experience signs of sadness or anxiety or if your emotional responses don’t feel right. Mood disorders can have an adverse effect on all aspects of your life. This covers your relationships, your job, and your education. They also increase your susceptibility to bodily ailments.

Speak with your doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor may send you to a psychiatrist or therapist who specializes in treating mood disorders.


Approximately 80% of persons with depression benefit considerably from treatment. Psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medicines can be used to treat depression and anxiety. Self-care is also essential. Many people benefit from relaxation techniques, meditation, mindfulness, and exercise.

P.B.A. can also be treated with therapy and drugs. Some patients with P.B.A. feel better after using dextromethorphan hydrobromide and quinidine sulfate (Nuedexta). Nuedexta was created specifically for the treatment of P.B.A., and it is the only medicine approved by the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.).

P.B.A. may also be treated with antidepressants. However, the use of antidepressants as a P.B.A. treatment has not been approved by the F.D.A. Off-label drug use occurs when a medicine is used to treat a condition other than those for which it has been approved by the F.D.A.

Tips for Dealing with Crying

There is nothing wrong with crying, but there are several things you can try to manage your tears:

  • Concentrate on taking calm, deep breaths. Inhale via your nose and exhale through your mouth. This may help you relax, which may also help you stop crying.
  • Relax your facial muscles and maintain a neutral expression.
  • Consider something repetitive, such as a memorized poem, song, or nursery rhyme.
  • Take a walk or find another means to get away from a stressful or uncomfortable situation.

Is it normal to cry every day?

There are those who cry every day for no apparent cause and are sincerely sad. If you find yourself crying over everyday activities on a daily basis, you may be suffering from depression. That is not normal, but it is treatable.

Is it normal to cry a lot for no reason?

People rarely cry for no apparent reason. If you’re sobbing a lot, feeling low, or your emotional outbursts are causing problems in your daily life, it’s time to consult a doctor. Extraordinary crying might be an indication of depression, anxiety, or other problems.


Some people cry more than others. Women cry more than men, even in countries where crying is appropriate for men. Crying more than usual could be a sign of depression or a neurological problem.

Consult your doctor if you’re worried about how much you’re crying.

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