UNDERAGE SEX: Measures to be taken against it

Underage Sex
Image source: Asianparent

Sexual desires or feelings are not wrong. It’s a feeling that comes from just being human and is simply not irrational. I experienced that feeling as a teenager; seriously, it is not bad. However, it becomes wrong when one desires and acts upon it at a young age. Yes, there is such a thing as underage sex. Not only is it unhealthy for the body, but it is also simply inappropriate.


Underage sex is when a child or teen not of consent age engages in sexual activities. Many Christians consider pre-marital sex biblically unacceptable.

However, the reality is that a lot of our young people will engage in sexual activity at some point during their teenage years.

Social media and the culture we find ourselves in promoting sex and romance as an indispensable part of everyday life, and many young people, therefore, see no harm in engaging in sexual activity (of any kind), irrespective of age.

Legally, the age of consent is 16 years. The law recognizes that a child under 13 years of age is not capable of consenting to sexual activity.

As a result, any allegations should be taken very seriously. This leaves us with the age range of 13–15-year-olds, where issues of consent will need more careful consideration. In some cases, advice should be sought for young people aged 16 to under 18 if there are concerns.

As already stated, sexual activity with a child under the age of 13 is illegal. These cases should always be reported straight to the police and/or children’s services.

Penetrative sex with a child under 13 years by an adult is termed rape, for which the usual sentence, on conviction, would be custody. Other non-penetrative sexual involvements will also be presumed to be harmful to the child and, again, should be reported to the police or children’s services.

The current age of criminal responsibility is 10 years, but any sexual activity involving younger children should always be reported to Children’s Services.

ALL You Should Know About Underage Sex

Underage sex is not just when a child who is not up to age gets raped. There are minor or major aspects we sometimes overlook, but this article is going to broaden your mind about underage sex as you read further down.

1. Sexting And Indecent Image of Children

With social media becoming an integral part of the lives of young people, the sexual risks this exposes them to are also largely increased. Indecent images of children under 16 are illegal and should be reported to the police, or advice sought prior to any confrontation with the alleged perpetrator.

Sexting is sending a sexually explicit message or image, usually between mobile phones. The person sending and receiving the image could be breaking the law under the Sexual Offences Act 2003. Section 67 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 creates a new offence criminalizing sexual communication with a child.

2. Sexual Exploitation of Children

Our understanding of child sexual exploitation has changed significantly in the last few decades. The young people were made to believe (by perpetrators who groomed them) that they were consensually involved in sexual activities, but the reality was that the young people were living under the fear and control of the perpetrators, thus making it difficult for them to disclose the abuse they were experiencing safely. 

A young person who is experiencing sexual exploitation may not see themselves as a victim of abuse. This makes it challenging for those working or in contact with the young person to try and help them access support to break away from these abusive relationships.

In the past, it failed to recognize these young people as victims of abuse, and they were stereotyped as promiscuous and voluntarily involved in “prostitution.” These perceptions have now been challenged, and all agencies are more proactive in responding to this type of abuse.

Factors of Underage Sex

For example, in every given issue that arises, there are factors behind the scenes. There are major factors that can push or trigger a child to engage in underage sex.

1. Peer pressure

In high schools,  society, and different institutions, children get to meet a different set of children who are not given proper training or have a messed up mindset about adulthood and have engaged in many activities that are not meant for their age.

In order for that child to fit into the cycle or belong, he or she needs to get involved. And if those children are into sexual activities. Then, that child will need to do the same.

2. Stressful Home Environment

Children with low self-confidence in their surroundings, particularly at home, are vulnerable to adults who promise stability and security, even if the strength comes with other unwanted behaviours.

Children with a stressful home life may also feel that they cannot confide in a parent because the parent is already burdened with so many problems and may not see the value in the boundaries, respect, and consent they are entitled to.

3. Unmonitored Access To Technology

Technology provides limitless ways to nurture your child’s education, creativity, and communication. Unfortunately, technology is also a perpetrator’s playground. The internet provides them with significantly greater access to potential targets, added anonymity, and the ability to keep things secret.

The phones, tablets, or laptops in your home can be gateways for interaction between a perpetrator and your child. Not only do these devices greatly expand a perpetrator’s reach, but they also remove many barriers to perpetration (such as trying to isolate a child or being able to send inappropriate material).

Risks Of Underaged Sex

Many young people engage in sexual risk behaviours and experiences that can result in unintended health outcomes such as:

  • H.I.V.
  • STDs

Measures And Protection To Ensure Against Underaged Sex

1. Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 covers a number of offences to deal with those who abuse and exploit children. The offences protect children up to the age of 18 and can attract tough penalties. They include:

  • Paying for the sexual services of a child;
  • Causing or inciting child sexual exploitation;
  • Arranging or facilitating child sexual exploitation;
  • Controlling a child in relation to child sexual exploitation;
  • Sexual communication with a child.

These are not the only charges that may be brought against those who use or abuse children through child sexual exploitation.

Abusers and coercers often physically, sexually, and emotionally abuse these children and may effectively imprison them. If a child is the victim of a serious offence, the most serious charge that the evidence supports should always be used.

2. Levels of Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Education Settings: 

Keeping Children Safe in Education highlights that “Sexual violence and sexual harassment can occur between two children of any age and sex, from primary through to the second stage and into colleges.

It can occur when a group of children sexually assaults or sexually harasses a single child or group of children. Sexual violence and sexual harassment exist on a continuum and may overlap; they can occur online and face-to-face (both physically and verbally) and are never acceptable. It notes that all staff working with children must maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ and understand that, as a result of pupils’ reluctance to refer themselves, they should act on third-party information.

3. Sexual Grooming

This helps to enlighten children about sex. Parents should educate them about sex, the right age for it, and the disadvantages of indulging in underage sex. When a child is adequately knowledgeable about what he or she ought to know about sex, it won’t be anything new, and that child is wise in that area.

Well, not just parents, but educational institutions and religious institutions are not out of the question since some of these ill-conceived acts about underage sex don’t start from homes but also from these institutions.

Is having sex before 16 a crime?

It is against the law for anyone to do this. This covers situations where one or both of the participants in a sexual encounter are underage, as well as situations where one juvenile and one adult are involved.

Is being sexually active at 12 normal?

Sexual activity and pregnancy are rare among 10–12-year-olds, and when sexual activity occurs at such early ages, it is frequently nonconsensual.

Is it normal to be sexually active at 13?

Teenage sexual behaviour is within the normal range of adolescent development. Early adolescents who engage in sexual activity typically do it voluntarily. However, a sizable minority may experience sexual abuse.


Confidentiality is particularly important for young people wanting advice about sex and relationships. Many will not ask for help if they do not believe the service is confidential.

This leaves them at risk of unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, as well as increases the chances that abusive or coercive relationships will remain hidden.

Having said this, individuals who work with them also have a duty to protect children from harm, which inevitably involves passing on information to other agencies where children and young people need protection. This balance is not always easy to find.

  1. SEXUAL COUPLES: Habits, Things in Common & All You Need
  2. PHYSICAL INTIMACY ISSUES: The Top Signs & How to Deal With Them
  3. SEXUAL ADDICTION: Meaning, Signs, Symptoms & Test

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