Do you ever have the feeling that something from your past is preventing you from living the life you desire in the present? Perhaps it’s something you can’t recall, but you have a strong feeling it’s somewhere in your mind. If this is the case, regression treatment may be beneficial to you. You may be wondering how therapy might assist you in reconnecting with a stage of your life that appears to be forgotten in your memory. And what can you do now if you do come into contact with that earlier time? Regression treatment is of two types: age regression therapy and past life regression therapy. Later in this post, we will go through these two therapies in depth.
What Is Regression Therapy?
Regression therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people improve their emotional and cognitive health by addressing past events.
Issues that Regression Therapy Addresses
When a therapist transports you to a past time or life, their purpose is to assist you in resolving your current problems. They employ regression techniques to uncover and settle your thoughts about past events. Thus, it allows you to feel better about your current circumstances.
These prior feelings may drive you to feel and behave in ways that make no sense in the present. For example, these past feelings and behaviors may have caused you to:
- To be plagued with anxieties and phobias without knowing why
- Feeling guilty for no discernible reason
- Finding it difficult to be intimate
- Having a wide range of relationship concerns
- Suffering from mental illnesses
The Application of Hypnosis

Although there are other approaches to regression therapy, hypnosis is the most common. In regression treatment, hypnosis relaxes you and allows you to access and analyze memories that you are usually unaware of or have forgotten or suppressed.
Types of Regression Therapy
Age regression therapy transports you to a previous era in your life. Past life regression therapy, on the other hand, delves beyond your current life and into former incarnations.
#1. Age Regression Therapy?
You may learn about things that happened to you when you were very little during age regression therapy. In certain situations, this therapy may bring to light memories that you were previously unaware of. The purpose is not just to relive the event but also to bring it to the forefront of your consciousness. There, you may deal with it deliberately. According to regression theory, by processing these memories and their associated emotions, you free yourself to feel differently about comparable experiences in the future.
#2. Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression is intended to transport you to previous incarnations so that you can address issues that developed long before your present lifetime. Many people believe this therapy is appropriate for them. This is because there appears to be no other explanation for their worries, guilt, or other challenges. They may also have spiritual beliefs that enable them to benefit from this type of regression therapy.
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How Does Regression Therapy Work
Regression treatment is divided into various stages, the first of which is hypnosis.
#1. Relaxation.
The initial stage of hypnosis in regression therapy is relaxation. The therapist speaks softly and gently to you, helping you through a methodical process of relaxing your body and mind.
#2. Visualization.
The visualization stage of hypnosis follows next. Instead of asking if you see anything specific or feel something specific, the therapist asks open-ended questions. These types of questions allow you to discuss whatever comes to mind, even if the therapist is unaware of it.
When you see a recollection in your mind’s eye, you may feel the same way you did when it happened the first time. You may also feel compassion for the younger version of yourself at the time the event occurred. So, if you recall an instance of abuse or violence, you may become upset. Before guiding you back to awareness of your surroundings, the therapist will assist your younger self in dealing with the situation.
#3. Consciously Examining the Memory.
The therapist will assist you in transferring that knowledge to your conscious mind after you have explored and re-experienced the situation. They may tell you what happened or provide you with a tape of the session. Once you’re aware of the new recollection, your therapist will assist you in putting it into context.
#4. Discovering the Importance
Understanding why memory is valuable to you after finding it is critical. What impact has it had on your life? How do you feel about yourself, the people involved in the incident, and the world in general now that you remember it? What have you discovered?
#5. Gaining Knowledge from New Information
If you’ve recently regained a memory, you can use it to gain a deeper understanding of yourself. You may also have a better understanding of other individuals in your life. Your therapist can assist you in applying this new knowledge to your existing feelings, conflicts, and behaviors.
One of regression therapy’s most widely touted benefits is that it gives patients access to their subconscious minds. That is what distinguishes this type of therapy; however, it is difficult to tell if patients are actually accessing memories or creating false memories at the advice of a hypnotherapist.
However, access to the past can provide many patients with a sense of peace and control.
Regression therapy’s effectiveness is mostly subjective. This is due to the potential of false memories and other issues associated with hypnosis. However, one could argue that regardless of whether something truly occurred, what matters is what the individual believes happened and, as a result, how they handle it moving forward.
If a person believes something happened while under hypnosis, going through it and learning to deal with it in a healthy manner with their qualified therapist can be effective.
Regression Therapy’s Controversial Aspects
While some patients claim to have benefited substantially from age regression and past life regression therapy, this sort of therapy is still not widely accepted in the mental health field. Some therapists believe in the benefits of age regression, but they do not believe in reincarnation; therefore, past lifetimes make no sense to them. The two most contentious parts of regression therapy are the lack of proof supporting its effectiveness and the danger of developing false memories.
Furthermore, many therapists avoid regression treatment because of concern that it will be a waste of time. They believe it is more effective to devote time to therapies that have been shown in several scientific studies to be effective, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. There is currently insufficient data to back up the effectiveness of regression therapy, but many people think the remarkable benefits they’ve seen are proof.
Is It Causing False Memories?
If the therapist does not ask just open-ended questions, they may unwittingly cause you to envision something that did not occur. Opponents of regression treatment argue that false recollections can become indistinguishable from memories of actual occurrences. They further claim that false recollections can ruin relationships and even lead to parents and caregivers being punished for abuse that never occurred.
Is it Safe to Practice Age Regression and Past Life Regression therapy on your own?
Self-hypnosis may or may not allow you to do regression therapy on yourself. The fundamental question is whether it is safe. After all, what if you remember something and don’t know what to do with it? You may put yourself in a predicament that causes you significant emotional suffering and leaves you with no way out on your own. Working with a certified therapist is best for being as safe as possible.
Who Uses Regression Therapy?
If you want to pursue regression therapy, your best bet is to find a therapist who has been trained in it. It might also be beneficial to speak with a therapist who specializes in working with persons who have experienced abuse and violence, especially if you are aware that this has occurred in the past.
How Regression Therapy Therapists Are Trained
The International Board for Regression Therapy accredits therapists who have both studied and proved their ability to practice regression therapy. The most significant aspect of regression therapy training is mastering proper hypnosis techniques. People who attempt to deal with traumatic memories without sufficient hypnotherapy training may exacerbate the situation.
If you’ve ever wondered why you feel, think, or behave the way you do, regression therapy could help. Many different therapies address issues such as worries and phobias, guilt, and interpersonal troubles, so working with a trained therapist who can help you identify the therapeutic modality that works best for you is essential. Working through previous issues to resolve current conflicts and feelings can significantly enhance your life.
What Does a Regression Therapist Do?
When a therapist transports you to a past time or life, their purpose is to assist you in resolving your current problems. They employ regression techniques to uncover and settle your thoughts about past events, allowing you to feel better about your current circumstances.
What Does Age Regression Feel Like?
When someone reverts to a younger state of mind, this is referred to as age regression. This retreat could be only a few years younger than the person’s actual age. It could potentially be much younger, even in early childhood or infancy. People who engage in age regression may begin to exhibit infantile behaviors such as thumb-sucking or complaining.
How Much Does Past Life Regression Cost?
A two-hour session usually costs around $350.
What Is Agere?
Age regression, also known as agere or agere, occurs when a person regresses to a younger state of mind, usually as a result of trauma or stress. Age regressors can go back in time to any age; however, the most typical ages are zero to eight.