QUOTES ABOUT LONELINESS When Noone Gets You (+ Free Tips)


Below are quotes on loneliness. Loneliness and solitude can be debilitating. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most inspiring loneliness quotes.

We all suffer emotions of loneliness at some point in our lives, whether it’s because we’ve lost a loved one or a friend has moved away. Try to focus on the positives; you’ll see them again! It’s never too late to start making up for lost time if you’ve been too busy raising a family to establish friends or if you’ve been too busy focusing on work to focus on yourself.

These loneliness quotes will help you cope with feelings of isolation and loneliness. Nobody enjoys being alone. We are sociable creatures by nature, and these loneliness quotes reflect that.

However, you cannot always be in the company of others. Sometimes, you just need to sit alone and ponder your life or simply appreciate being alone.

Being alone does not have to imply that you are lonely. Being alone allows you to learn about yourself. It enables you to discover more about yourself and better understand yourself. Being alone might benefit your mental health, enabling you to relax.

It’s nice to be surrounded by people you care about and who care about you, but being alone may also be beneficial. Here are some quotes about loneliness that you might find useful.

Quotes About Loneliness When You Feel Like No One Gets You

  • “A spirit who perceives beauty may wander alone at times.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 
  • “The caterpillar obtains its wings during a season of loneliness and isolation.” Keep that in mind the next time you’re feeling lonely.” Mandy Hale
  • “Knowing how to belong to oneself is the best thing in the world.” Michel de Montaigne
  • “Some people believe that being alone makes you lonely, but I disagree. The loneliest thing in the world is being surrounded by the wrong people.” Kim Culbertson
  • “There are moments when you need to be alone.” Not to be lonely, but to have fun being yourself in your spare time.” Unidentified
  • “I used to believe that the worst thing that could happen was for me to be left alone.” It’s not the case. The worst thing that can happen to you is being surrounded by people who make you feel alone.” William Robins
  • “Loneliness enhances life’s beauty.” Sunsets have a certain burn, and the night air smells nicer.” Henry Rollins
  • “Every now and then, you need to disconnect from everyone and spend time alone in order to experience, appreciate, and love yourself.” Robert Tew
  • “Now and again, you just need a break.” It’s a lovely spot. Alone. to figure out everything.” Unidentified
  • “You must be able to stand on your own at times.” To make sure you can still do it.” Unidentified

Quotes about loneliness that prove it’s okay to be alone

  • “Nothing except yourself can provide you peace.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Within myself, there is a place where I live alone, and there is where you regenerate your never-drying springs.” Princess Pearl Buck
  • “A man can only be himself for as long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not enjoy freedom, for he is truly free only when he is alone.” — Schopenhauer, Arthur
  • “It’s better to be alone than to let people who don’t care about you stop you from achieving your goals.” Joel Osteen
  • “Loneliness is a lack of purpose, not a lack of companionship.” Guillermo Maldonado
  • “If we can’t stand being alone, it suggests we don’t value the one and only companion we’ll have from birth to death — .” Eda J. LeShan
  • “If you’re alone, you’re fully your own person.” If you have even one company, you will belong only half to yourself or even less in proportion to his carelessness, and if you have more than one companion, you will fall deeper into the same dilemma.” Leonardo da Vinci
  • “To be unmarried in a world where people are accustomed to settling for anything just to say they have something demands a tough person.” Unidentified
  • “I enjoy being alone.” I’m in charge of my own shit. As a result, in order to win me over, your presence must be preferable to my alone. You’re not up against another person; instead, you’re up against my comfort zones.” Horacio Jones
  • “There are worse feelings than being alone.”  Things like being in a relationship but still feeling lonely.” – M.W. Poetry

Inspirational Quotes about loneliness to help you become stronger

  • “Some people can’t tolerate being alone.” I adore stillness and seclusion. But once I’m out of it, I’m just another talking machine. For me, it’s all or nothing.” Celine Dion
  • “One of the best things about being alone is that you don’t have to answer to anyone.”   You are free to do whatever you choose.” Justin Timberlake (JT)
  • “Being alone and genuinely sitting with our own thoughts may lead to great growth and realizations that are rare in our daily busy lives,.” Kourtney Kardashian
  • “As I get older, I’m becoming more at ease with being alone.” Sienna Miller
  • “Remember that when you’re lonely, you must be alone the most.” The cruelest irony of life.” Douglas Coupland
  • “Music was a safe haven for me.” I could slink into the gap between the notes and cuddle up in solitude.” Maya Angelou
  • “Every great and valuable thing is lonely.” John Steinbeck
  • “These days, when I’m lonely, I think to myself, ‘So be lonely, Liz.'” Learn how to deal with loneliness. Make a map of the area. For the first time in your life, sit with it. Welcome to the world of humanity. However, you should never use another person’s body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unsatisfied desires.” Elizabeth Gilbert
  • “Loneliness is the human condition.”  It should be nurtured. It’s tunneling inside you that helps your soul to expand. You should never expect to grow out of loneliness. Never expect to discover individuals who understand you or who can fill that void. The exception, the very huge exception, is an intellectual, sensitive individual. You will become violent with disappointment if you hope to discover people who understand you. The best you can hope for is to know yourself, to see what you want, and not let the cattle get in your way.” Janet Fitch
  • “Don’t try to be right if you don’t want to be lonely.” –Jules Renard

Quotes about loneliness to inspire and motivate you.

  • “If one is different, one is obliged to be lonely.” Aldous Huxley
  • “I’m not much, but I’m the only thing I’ve got.” Philip K. Dick
  • “While you grin when you’re alone, you’re smiling.” Andy Rooney
  • “It was a pleasant surprise to find how unlonely alone can be.” Ellen Burstyn
  • “Sometimes I think being alone is better for me than being in the company of people.” “I am who I am because of who I am.” Kyle Labe
  • “I’m not much, but I’m the only thing I’ve got.” Philip K Dick
  • “Find company within yourself, and you’ll never be alone for more than a day.” You’ll never be lonely if you find love within yourself.” Chalfant, Connor
  • “There’s nothing abnormal about loneliness.” Paula Stokes

Quotes about loneliness to help you be yourself

  • “Follow the throng if you want to miss your crown.” Go alone and be yourself if you wish to wear the crown. Ayivor Israelmore
  • “I’m interested in myself and enjoy hearing my voice.” I want to share my thoughts with you. Many dislike being alone because they despise themselves, but I adore myself.” Simmons, Gene
  • “Women, companionship, and loneliness are my sources of inspiration.” Enrique Iglesias
  • “I tore my heart apart and turned it off.” There is nothing to do and nowhere to be. A simple form of liberation. I don’t have anything to do, and no one but me, and that’s all I need. “I’m completely alone.” Mayer, John
  • “The world’s strongest man is the one who is most alone.” Ibsen Henrik
  • “All men’s woes stem from their dislike of being alone.” Jean de La Bruyère
  • “Some actions must be taken alone.” It’s the only way to truly understand where you’re going and who you’re supposed to be.” Unidentified
  • “The finest moment of my life is when I’m alone since it’s the only time I can share my deepest secrets with the most trusted person on the planet, MYSELF.” – Unidentified
  • “Life is always easy for those who dream.” DandelionQuotes.com
  • “Never seek happiness in others; it will make you feel lonely.” If you look for it within yourself, you will be happy even alone.” awesomequotesforyou.com
  • “Being alone is preferable to being in lousy company.” Washington, George

Inspirational and uplifting quotes about loneliness

  • “I’d rather be with people who know secrets than be alone.” Rilke, Rainer Maria
  • “You will live in a world with less dread, alienation, and loneliness if you travel deeper and deeper into your own heart.” Sharon Salzberg
  • “The only time we waste is when we think we’re alone.” Mitch Albom
  • “Loneliness is confirmation that your basic desire for connection is still active.” Martha Beck
  • “It’s strange to miss someone you’re not even sure you know.” David Foster Wallace
  • “The mind builds strength and learns to lean on itself in solitude.” Laurence Sterne
  • “The loneliest of all is the loneliness you feel with another person, the wrong person.” Deb Caletti
  • “I can be my best buddy when everything is lonely.” Conor Oberst
  • “Men admired my chatty flaws while blaming my silent qualities, which gave birth to my loneliness.” Khalil Gibran
  • “At any one time, only one person owns a dream.” It’s for this reason that dreamers are lonely.” Erma Bombeck

Quotes about loneliness to make you stronger

  • “I’d been alone for longer than I might have been if I’d gone alone.” Sylvia Plath
  • “I am lonely at times, yet I dare to claim it is beneficial for me” Louisa May Alcott
  • “The worst part about loneliness is that it forces one to confront oneself.” Mary Balogh
  • “If you wait for perfection, you’ll end up living a lonely existence.” Samantha Young
  • “It’s only natural to feel lonely when the good times have passed.” However, as you gain new joys, those feelings of sadness will pass.” Mizu Sahara
  • “I’ve discovered that when we try to confront loneliness, it gets stronger, but when we ignore it, it gets weaker.” Paulo Coelho
  • “You don’t have to be alone.” Loneliness is never inflicted upon us by the world. That is something we can accept or reject on our own.” Shan, Darren
  • “Sometimes being surrounded by everyone is the most lonely, because you realize you have no one to turn to.” ‘Soraya’
  • “Miri was able to ignore the uncomfortable chill of solitude around her by immersing herself in studies.” Shannon Hale
  • “It’s not that I don’t have someone with whom to share my burden; it’s that I have only my own burden to carry.” Dag Hammarskjöld

What Are Some Lonely Quotes?

Quotes About Loneliness

  • “Let me tell you something: if you encounter a loner, it’s not because they prefer alone, no matter what they say….”
  • “I’ve never been lonely in my life….”
  • “The loneliest moment in a person’s life is when their entire universe is crumbling around them and all they can do is look blankly.”

How Does It Feel To Be Lonely Quotes?

Even though I am alone, I have everyone because no one is my only one.” “People who don’t understand me are the source of my loneliness.” “One advantage of being alone is having much time to myself.


It’s fine to be alone since loneliness can make you stronger. Remember that some of the most important breakthroughs and innovations were created by scientists working alone. Hopefully, the above QUOTES ABOUT LONELINESS will provide the motivation you require when you feel alone and no one understands you. Did you like this collection of loneliness quotes? Which of the quotes stood out to you the most? Please share your thoughts in the comments box below.

Loneliness quotes to help you feel less alone

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