TAURUS COMPATIBILITY: Everything You Should Know


Taurus is the second zodiac sign, and anyone born between April 20th and May 20th falls under this sign. Find out everything there is to know about Taurus compatibility below.

Taurus is the sign of the smart, ambitious, and trustworthy zodiac. Taureans are amazing friends, colleagues, and partners who value honesty and are proud of the lack of drama in their relationships. Bulls have a reputation for being obstinate, but they aren’t always that way. This searching sign is open to hearing various points of view, but they aren’t willing to change their ideas merely to make a point.

A Bull, known for being one of the most hardworking signs in the Zodiac, isn’t hesitant to roll up his sleeves and get to work and won’t mind pulling an all-nighter to get the job done.

Taurus isn’t all work and no play, either. This passionate sign, anchored by the ground, is all about sensuality and always seeking pleasure. Taureans enjoy feeling present in their bodies and regularly need to reconnect with their physical selves, whether getting a great massage, spending hours in bed with their sweetheart, or going for a long run.

Taurus Compatibility

When it comes to astrological compatibility, there are no hard and fast rules. On the other hand, Taurus expects support, consistency, and affection from their partners—and expects the same in return!
They can make it work with anyone who can teach them to compromise and who won’t take their obstinacy too seriously. Taurus will teach you to appreciate the basic pleasures in life, such as a park picnic, a day without social media, and a delicious breakfast in bed.

Compatible signs

Scorpio (opposites do attract), Virgo, and Capricorn (what’s up, earth signs?) are the most suitable signs for Taurus friendships and romantic partnerships. and, of course, my Taurean brethren!

Incompatible signs

Taurus people have a hard time getting along with Leos and Aquarians. Leos yearns for adventure and the limelight, which might irritate Taurus. On the other hand, Aquarians are a little too independent and unpredictable for Taurus.

Taurus and Leo Compatibility

“Taurus and Leo make ideal business partners because they are both driven and will focus on different areas to grow,” according to astrologer Ariana Fox. “However, this can provide some unsettling issues at home and in love, making this a difficult match to live and love together.”

For starters, the bull is an Earth sign that moves slowly and methodically through life. Taurus is a modest, giving sign that is nevertheless highly stubborn. Leo, on the other hand, is the fiery lion of the zodiac. It is outgoing, enjoys being the center of attention, and enjoys being in command. When Leo’s needs conflict with those of their partner, they tend to prioritize themselves.

Both indicators are solid and self-assured sexually. They will be extremely attracted to each other when they first meet. However, they prefer what they like and are very set in their ways, as is characteristic of fixed signs. According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, Taurus, which Venus rules, is one of the most sensual and physical signs. They prefer to engage in physical intimacy passively. Leo, on the other hand, is a fiery but impulsive sign.

Taurus and Leo have a strong emotional connection. Both signs show that they cherish true love and are sincere in their desire to make their spouse happy. In relationships, they also value loyalty and trust.

On the other hand, Leo is a more independent sign that requires someone who understands their need for independence and freedom. That’s not something Taurus can easily fathom, according to Monahan. In love, a Taurus will go above and above for their relationship, hoping their partner will reciprocate.

This leads to the most serious issue between them: jealousy. Taurus is a possessive zodiac sign, and sharing is not an option for them. “This is a symbol of personal wealth,” Monahan explains, “therefore the overarching objective is to amass both positions and people.” Leo is a sociable individual who enjoys being in the company of people. Taurus will be unhappy if Leo spends more time ministering to others. Taurus’ jealousy, on the other hand, might suffocate the lion.

Leo, according to Monahan, likewise requires total affection. “Leo’s envy is frequently motivated by a desire for recognition,” she explains. “They have to be the most important person in their partner’s life.” Leo will feel overlooked if their Taurus spouse invests a lot of time and effort in their profession, which they tend to do.

Taurus and Cancer Compatibility

A Taurus-Cancer partnership is known for its home-cooked dinners, weekends spent sitting on the couch watching movies, spending time with family, and a lot of tenderness. It can feel like two soulmates have finally met when the earthy bull and the sensitive crab come together. Despite their differences, this couple of romantics has what it takes to keep a romance together. The zodiac compatibility of Taurus and Cancer will reveal everything you need to know about this Earth and Water sign couple.

Astrologer Clarisse Monahan said, “Taurus and Cancer are exceptionally compatible.” “Taurus values constancy and dependability in relationships, and Cancer is a devoted and caring companion.” Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign that makes it easier for Cancer to open out. Both support one another, and the connection has emotional depth.”

Taurus & Cancer Sexual Compatibility Signs 

Taurus and Cancer are a hot, passionate couple regarding sexual compatibility. According to astrologer Ariana Fox, both signs are sensual, patient, and consistent. Taurus is all about pleasure, and Cancer is all about intimacy. This couple’s ritual includes slow, deep kisses, delicate touches, and cuddling. Cancers prefer taking care of their partners, but Taurus, controlled by Venus, enjoys being praised. This couple will respect each other’s sexual preferences and will be able to fulfill each other in ways that no other sign can.

Communication Is A Challenge Between Taurus & Cancer Zodiac Signs Compatibility

Even the most ideal zodiac pairings have their share of potential stumbling blocks. Communication will be a big hurdle for Taurus and Cancer to overcome. Crabs are delicate creatures who attempt to avoid fighting whenever possible.”Taurus cares intensely, and this can come out as strong at times, which might irritate Cancer emotionally,” Fox explains.

Cancer has a propensity to shut down and become passive-aggressive when they are upset. Taurus can sometimes be petty, and they may refuse to speak to their spouse until they have spoken to their partner first. Worse, both signs have a reputation for harboring grudges. There will be animosity in this relationship if these two can’t find a method to openly communicate and work through problems as they arise.

Taurus and Cancer are highly compatible zodiac signs.

Despite the difficulties, these two are a zodiac match made in heaven. They’re both signs that emphasize home, family, and safety. They’re both loyal and nurturing by nature and a great game.

“This couple’s strength is sugar and spice,” Fox explains. “Cancer brings the honey, while Taurus adds the spice with their fiery personalities. This is a fantastic match for a long-term relationship.”

Aries and Taurus Compatibility

A decent rom-com may convince you that falling in love with your next-door neighbor is a wonderful idea, but astrology disagrees. Aries and Taurus are two examples. The ram and the bull are zodiac wheel neighbors who are far from being the perfect love match for one other. The zodiac compatibility of Aries and Taurus will reveal what to expect from this fire and earth pairing.

According to astrologer Kristina Semos, an Aries-Taurus partnership might be defined as headstrong and out of sync. “Generally speaking,” Semos explains, “these two don’t make the most sense together unless there were other variables in their birth charts that meshed incredibly nicely.”

Aries is a fast-moving fire sign that enjoys adventure and jumps in headfirst. Conversely, Taurus is a slow-moving earth sign that likes to mull things out and stay in its comfort zone. Aries may find Taurus too routine and predictable after the early enthusiasm for a new relationship wears off, while Taurus may find Aries’ impulsivity unstable and immature.

They both have powerful emotional feelings, but they display them in different ways. Taurus, for example, is far more in control than Aries. They’ve mastered the art of suffocating their emotions. Rams, on the other hand, have a more expressive personality. “They may let go and express — quite spontaneously — what they’re experiencing at the time,” Shah adds.

An Aries-Taurus partnership doesn’t have the highest chance of lasting success based on sun sign compatibility. Astrology, on the other hand, is more than just sun signs. “They can discover common ground if they have additional planets in their natal charts that connect with one other— such moon signs or rising signs in the other’s element, for example,” says Semos.

It can also work out if both partners can accommodate their relationship style. “They can find a way to learn from one other so that they both feel like they can express their best selves,” Shah adds. Even if they aren’t a perfect match, this partnership has the potential to continue if both parties can learn to be patient and flexible.

Taurus and Libra Compatibility

Taurus and Libra cannot take their gaze away from each other when they first meet. It will be smitten by Libra’s grace, grace, and charm, while Libra will admire the bull’s quiet power, maturity, and grounded demeanor.

Taurus and Libra have a particular bond because Venus is the ruling planet of both signs. Despite this, the differences between the adamant bull of the zodiac and the indecisive airy Libra may be too great to make a relationship work.

A Taurus-Libra connection might be described as sensual and lavish, yet stop and go, according to Kristina Semos, astrologer and proprietor of AstroOils. Semos tells Bustle, “Taurus and Libra are two very different signs.” “It’s fixed versus cardinal, earth versus air, feminine versus male.”

According to Semos, the fact that two signs share Venus as their ruling planet is significant because “both signs prioritize relationship, luxury, sensual satisfaction, and beauty, despite their differing approaches and speeds.”

Taurus can find that Libra’s approach to love is unrealistic and immature, while Libra might not react to Taurus’ sincerity.

Libra, like an Air sign, tends to change its opinion at any time. Libra may lose interest and prefer to move on if they believe Taurus is merely raining on their parade.

Taurus and Libra Zodiac Signs Sexual Compatibility

Taurus and Libra are compatible sexually. They’re both incredibly sensuous and have similar tastes, thanks to Venus. “Turning each of them on revolves around their five senses,” Semos explains. “Scented candles, excellent food, date evenings with theater tickets, posh hotels, and body rubs will get these two going.” Because both signs are inclined toward partnerships, both partners will offer as much as they receive. They can have a fun and fulfilling sex life as long as they can communicate honestly about their desires, which might be a problem with these two passive indicators.

Taurus and Libra Zodiac Signs Face Challenges in Possessiveness and Communication.

Having said that, there are a few major issues in this connection. Libras, for example, are social butterflies who find validation in their interpersonal interactions. “This doesn’t often go over very well as Taureans are highly possessive when it comes to their loved ones,” astrologer Alexandria Lettman tells Bustle.

Another issue that must be addressed is communication between Taurus and Libra. Taurus is a fixed energy sign, which implies they can make swift decisions while solving short-term challenges, according to Lettman. Libra, on the other hand, is ruled by the cardinal signs. They take the initiative in problem-solving, but it will take some time to come up with the best solution for everyone concerned.
Taurus and Libra are a mixed bag when it comes to compatibility. Even though they share the same ruling planet, maintaining a long-term relationship may be more bother than it’s worth.

Scorpio and Taurus Compatibility

Taurus and Scorpio are unique among opposite-sign couples in that they both have powerful personalities. They both have strong personalities, are set in their ways, and will not back down from a fight. When their relationship is going well, it’s truly going well. When things are bad, they are horrible.

“Their connection can be tumultuous, confrontational, and emotionally taxing,” astrologer and spiritual counselor Dr. Veroshk Williams tells Bustle. “It might be a never-ending emotional and mental battle.” It also can cause a lot of self-doubts, which might lead to both of them losing their sense of self.”

On the plus side, Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs committed to their partners. Thus, cheating should not be an issue in this relationship.

Plus, because they’re both possessive and protective of each other, neither partner will feel suffocated or turned off by it.

Taurus and Scorpio Zodiac Signs Sexual Compatibility

The sexual chemistry between Taurus and Scorpio is incredible. Their relationship will almost certainly be built on a strong sexual connection. According to astrologer Ariana Fox, they’re incredibly energetic in the bedroom, kitchen, or wherever they want to hook up.

“This isn’t going to be an issue,” she continues, “since they know how to convey their sensuous side.” Taurus, ruled by Venus, will appreciate having a partner who is attentive and focused on their pleasure. At the same time, Scorpio can unwind and enjoy being with someone who isn’t frightened of their intensity.

Taurus and Scorpio Zodiac Signs Face Challenges in Vulnerability and Communication.

However, amazing physical chemistry isn’t necessarily enough to keep a relationship together for the long haul. Taurus and Scorpio are both prideful signs, so expect many emotional conflicts.

“In terms of who is feeling what and when,” Williams says, “there’s a propensity to assume telepathy or mind-reading ability.” “They also have a tendency to display emotional unavailability and alienation to one another.” It’s a race between these two to see who can get the other to crack first.

These two have a lot of “roadblocks and no exit alleys” when it comes to communication. “This can happen because they’re both stubborn and unpleasant, and they’re unwilling to show repentance or simply say ‘I’m sorry,'” Williams explains.

Scorpio is proclive to act like a “know-it-all” in relationships, which can make Taurus defensive. They might form the kind of bond where they’re continually seeking ways to push each other — but not in a healthy way that allows each partner to flourish.

Taurus and Scorpio, as a couple, are a difficult combination. However, no couple is doomed to fail, regardless of their zodiac sign. “A lot of work will be required to maintain a balance, as these are powerful indications that are diametrically opposed,” Fox adds. “Keep it in mind when attempting to achieve true balance in this relationship, as true balance is required for a successful long-term partnership.”

Taurus and Virgo Compatibility

Taurus and Virgo are two zodiac signs that seem tailor-made for one another. They share many of the same essential values as earth signs. They’re steady, dependable, patient, and devoted.

They take love very seriously and only give their hearts to people with whom they can envisage a future. The bull and the virgins may take months (or even years) to ultimately reveal their feelings for one other due to their slow and deliberate approach to love.

Have what it takes to maintain a relationship. The zodiac compatibility of Taurus and Virgo reveals why this earth sign duo is the ideal zodiac match.

Taurus and Virgo, according to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, are like two peas in a pod. “As earth signs, they have similar feelings about dating,” she explains. “Both of these signals prefer stability over-excitement and are more inclined to commit. They also have a practical approach to love, demonstrating their concern for the other via acts of service.”

Virgo is the zodiac’s perfectionist. According to Monahan, their sign is related to the sixth house in astrology, which is all about labor and service. Virgos strive to please in their relationships. On the other hand, Venus-ruled Taurus is a dedicated worker who values collaboration.

These two are emotionally strong. “They both can be a little shy when expressing their sentiments, but their feelings are secure,” Kristina Semos, astrologer and proprietor of AstroOils, tells Bustle.

Nobody declares their undying love just to change their minds five minutes later!” It may take some time for both parties to open up, but they are usually all in once they do.

“If Virgo’s infusion of new ideas can encourage Taurus to break free from their routine, and Taurus’ pleasure of the better things in life can persuade Virgo to unwind for a hot minute,” Semos writes, “then these two can bring some variation and flare to their partnership.”

Taurus and Virgo are a great fit for each other. They’ll work through their difficulties together, provide each other with stability, and live in peace and contentment. It doesn’t get any better for two earth signs than that.

Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility

Taurus and Aquarius are signs you might not expect to be drawn to one another. Taurus, for example, takes a more traditional approach to partnerships. They prefer to be wined and fed the old-fashioned way, prefer to take things slowly, and are most at ease when they stick to a schedule. On the other hand, Aquarius is a one-of-a-kind and out-of-the-box water carrier.

They’re creative, enjoy pushing limits, and become bored easily when relationships get too routine. Despite their contrasts, the bull and the water bearer are a good match for each other. The zodiac compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius will reveal everything you need to know about this fixed sign couple.

Sexual compatibility between Taurus and Aquarius

According to Stephanie Gailing, astrologer and author of The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care, Taurus and Aquarius are “made extremely differently” sexually. Taurus prefers the tried-and-true, whereas Aquarius prefers the novel and unusual.

Taurus is a sensuous sign that loves to be seduced and romanced. They desire to be stroked and kissed, as well as to explore their partner’s body.

The environment, according to Gailing, is also highly important to them. “It might be a buzzkill if the lights or music is off,” she explains. As an air sign, Aquarius is less in tune with the physical world.

They are in the mood for a fascinating conversation that finally leads to flirtation and dirty talk. They also enjoy trying new things.

The Emotional Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius

Taurus and Aquarius, as fixed zodiac signs, share a basic comprehension of each other’s outlook on life. They also have comparable ways of processing and expressing emotions.

According to Gailing, they can be emotionally inflexible, too devoted to their feelings, and slow to open up. “With two people who are adamant about their points of view, there may not be much room for emotional maneuvering,” Gailing explains.

Aquarius has a reputation for being cold-hearted emotionally. They make a lot of sense. They tend to analyze their feelings rather than simply giving in and experiencing them.

Also, they crave affection and may require reassurance from their mate from time to time to feel safe. “Taurus may find Aquarius a little too distant at times,” according to Gailing, “while Aquarius may feel that Taurus’ need for comfort gets in the way of being objective and seeing the big picture.”

Taurus and Aquarius are compatible intellectually.

The bull and the water may struggle to connect intellectually since their interests are dissimilar. “Taurus honors the beauty of tangible objects and the natural world, while Aquarius honors the beauty inherent in innovation and societal advancement,” according to Gailing.

“Taurus’ desire to discuss sybaritic pleasures may not excite Aquarius’ interest, whereas Aquarius’ giving scientific information may be less than appealing to the bull.”

Incompatibility in this area could be problematic for Aquarius, who need mental stimulation to remain engaged. They’re inquisitive signs who will appreciate learning about Taurus.

However, once the initial fascination wears off, they may discover that Taurus isn’t their best match. Taurus may think Aquarius is arrogant and arrogant.

Generally, a Taurus and Aquarius relationship is neither the best nor the worst. They can butt heads a lot as two fixed signs, but they’re also suited for long-term, steady relationships. They can make a good match if they communicate and commit to each other.

Taurus and Pisces Compatibility

It’s a match made in heaven when Taurus and Pisces come together. The realistic bull of the zodiac isn’t one to believe in love at first sight, but the sympathetic Pisces will convert them.

Their connection is a lovely balance of romantic Venus and dreamy Neptune energy, and they can have a long-lasting relationship full of love, affection, and emotional depth if they work together. The zodiac compatibility of Taurus and Pisces will reveal why this soulmate connection works so effectively.

“Taurus and Pisces are a fantastic match,” astrologer and owner of AstroOils Kristina Semos tells Bustle. “They share enough similarities to gel, but enough differences to avoid stepping on each other’s toes in a relationship.” It’s laid-back and relaxing.”

Sexual compatibility between Taurus and Pisces

Sexually, this may be a wonderful fit. “Taurus can assist dreamy Pisces to feel soulfully embodied,” according to Gailing, “while Pisces may help earthy Taurus open up to their imagination and fantasies, using them to make their sex life even more pleasurable.”

Pisces, as a Water sign, is naturally insightful and sympathetic. They’re incredibly attentive and aware of their partner’s wants in bed. Bulls appreciate going above and beyond to create romantic settings that will delight their Pisces spouse. This duo is all about slow, soft, and nice. After that, expect to snuggle.

Emotional compatibility between Taurus and Pisces

Taurus and Pisces are both reserved when it comes to their feelings. According to Semos, Pisces is more in tune with their emotions and more prone to express them first.

Taurus will feel more at ease sharing theirs as a result of this. Pisces, on the other hand, can be difficult to pin down, which can irritate the bull. “Taurus, fortunately, can be patient and play the long game,” says Semos.

They’re both nurturing, loving, and attentive. Once relationships are built on trust, neither partner will hold back. “They both derive joy in expressing love and taking care of another,” Gailing says.

Taurus will always ensure Pisces’ emotional requirements are addressed, and Taurus will assist the more unselfish Pisces realize that it’s OK to express their own demands.

Problems That Could Affect A Taurus-Pisces Relationship

Taurus is the sign of the Earth. They’re extremely practical and grounded, particularly regarding money and time management. Pisces, on the other hand, tend to live in the clouds. Taurus may be irritated by how chaotic and go-with-the-flow their partner may be, while Pisces may be irritated by Taurus’ frequent dampening of their mood.

Pisces is a water sign that does whatever feels right at the time. They enjoy moving without having a specific destination in mind, and they dislike answering questions when they don’t feel like it. This can make their Taurus feel insecure during the dating stage of their relationship, as he or she prefers to have complete control over everything. Pisces may put off fully committing to the relationship until they finally decide they’re in the mood for one, no matter how many times Taurus asks.

Despite their flaws, Taurus and Pisces are still two of the most compatible zodiac signs. They have comparable feelings about love and romance, making them a well-balanced couple. “These two are highly compatible and have a wonderful potential to be performing magic,” Gailing explains.

Gemini and Taurus Compatibility

Taurus and Gemini are neighboring signs that don’t always get along. Taurus is a comfort-loving homebody who loves regularity, whereas Gemini is the extroverted social butterfly who needs diversity.

However, no relationship is tagged to fail, regardless of how incompatible the two signs are. It’ll just take a lot of effort and perseverance. The zodiac compatibility of Taurus and Gemini will reveal everything you need to know about this earth and air sign couple and why it might be worth a shot.

According to Stephanie Gailing, astrologer and author of The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care, a Taurus-Gemini relationship can only be “difficult.” Both of these are moving at different speeds. “Gemini tends to flutter from place to place, whereas Taurus prefers to move at a more leisurely pace,” Gailing explains.

Gemini enjoys changing things up, but Taurus is all about habit and consistency. Which scenario is the most likely? Before a relationship gets off the ground, Gemini will tire of the slow and steady bull.

These two aren’t a good match sexually. “Taurus may be irritated by Gemini’s analytical approach to everything, even sex,” Gailing writes, “while Gemini may find Taurus to be less curious than they are.” Taurus is sensual and enjoys taking their time investigating, whereas Geminis are quick to move on. As you might expect, this can be a cause of tension between the two, lowering sexual enjoyment.

Another source of dissatisfaction in the relationship is how they process and communicate their feelings. According to Gailing, Geminis are intelligent Air signs that enjoy analyzing everything, even their emotions.

Taurus, on the other hand, prefers to take their time processing their emotions. It will be difficult for them to create an emotional bond that satisfies them both. Taurus may never feel secure enough to release their heart because Geminis move quickly.

In the end, these two are an extremely incompatible pair. That isn’t to say that the relationship isn’t worthwhile. Both parties can benefit from this partnership. “Taurus can educate Gemini to connect to their body, senses, and the natural world,” Gailing explains, “while Gemini can teach Taurus to be more flexible and have a little more spring in their step.” “However, this is a Sun sign match with (far) more than its share of difficulties.”

What Is Taurus’s Best Love Match?

A Taurus relies on loyalty, stability, commitment, and closeness in a relationship. As a result, they only get along with a few sun signs. Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, and Capricorn are the zodiac signs most compatible with Taurus. Find out why these signs work well with the bull in the following paragraphs.

Who should a Taurus marry?

Taurus is a sign that loves security and is drawn to mature people who have their lives in order. “Orderly Virgo” fits the bill, according to Monahan. “These two Earth signs can be rather domestic, and when they combine their energies, they can create the ideal home life,” she explains.


Taurus compatibility is the zodiac’s stable, sensual, fixed earth sign. As a result, those born under this sign can teach us how to be our most trustworthy, present, and peaceful selves.

What sign is Taurus’ worst match?

Are Taurus’ lucky in love?

Taurus lucky colors

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