Many people believe that low self-esteem causes relationship insecurities. This may be accurate. However, a woman’s insecurity might be triggered by a variety of causes, including past experiences.
When women’s hormones are out of whack during PMS, they might feel very insecure (speaking from experience).
What makes a woman insecure in a relationship is a difficult issue to answer, but it’s not impossible.
What Makes a Woman Insecure in a Relationship?
Even the most attractive, self-assured women, believe it or not, have relationship concerns from time to time. Every woman has days or times when anything her boyfriend says or does conjures up a memory or an experience that makes her feel insecure.
Being surrounded by these flawless photographs can make anyone feel insufficient.
The main triggers and explanations for a woman’s insecurity in a relationship, as well as how men can assist her in dealing with it, are listed below. So, let’s see what happens!
#1. Making Sweet Remarks About Other Women’s Looks
Let’s face it; we’re all lying to ourselves. Insecure women and men (as well as those who aren’t insecure) despise it when their partner makes a sweet remark about the appearance of people of the other gender.
#2. Being too Concerned With The Safety of Your Phone
What goes through a woman’s mind when a man hides his phone and seems too possessive of it? Of course, insecurity sets in!
This is logical reasoning.
We immediately suspect someone of lying to us and doing something behind our backs when they try to hide something from the other person or act too possessive of it.
That’s exactly what she believes when her husband starts carrying his phone with him everywhere, even to the bathroom. Of course, he could be doing it to pass the time while playing video games, but if he does it on a regular basis, his spouse will become insecure.
#3. Critiquing Her Viewpoints
What makes a woman in a relationship feel insecure? It’s natural for a woman to lose her sense of self-worth and feel ignored if her husband continuously criticizes her thoughts.
Every one of us has the right to express our thoughts and feelings. This does not imply that we must agree with others’ opinions, but it does imply that we must respect them.
If a man does not respect a woman’s mentality and does not enable her to voice her thoughts without criticizing her, she will feel quite insecure in a relationship.
She will develop a fear of expressing herself in any context, on any subject.
#4. Mental Gymnastics (e.g., Blowing Hot and Cold)
Ignoring, alternating between heat and cold… All of them are the key detriments to a motivating and healthy relationship.
Any form of mental game is a red flag that makes a woman suspicious of a man’s motives. If you’re playing mind games with her, you’re causing her to think the following things:
- It’s possible he doesn’t care for me.
- Am I not good enough for him?
- I’m quite sure I earned it.
Playing mind games, in my opinion, is one of the most destructive ways to destroy trust and everything holy in a relationship.
You can’t play games with your lover and then act as if everything is normal. That isn’t how relationships work.
#5. Repeatedly Mentioning Your Ex
Do you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend more than is necessary? It’s very common for us to bring up our ex in certain situations.
When you talk about your ex too much, the problem emerges since it suggests they’re on your mind more than they should be.
That’s when the signs of a lady who is insecure begin to appear. She begins to suspect that you are still in love with your ex.
Perhaps you’re still in touch with your ex and seeing her in secret.
What Makes a Woman Insecure in a Relationship? List of Female Insecurities
The following are the four primary categories of insecurities for women in any relationship:
- Outward appearance
- Stability in a man’s relationship
- The only other concern that comes up is uneasiness over money and career, which is just on the outskirts of the radar.
- Insecurities about a woman’s intellectual or artistic life are mentioned just in passing.
The following are other things that can make a woman insecure in and out of a relationship;
#1. Sexuality
This is by far the most frequently mentioned insecurity. Women, it appears, want to be sexually desirable above all else, and they are constantly comparing their own sexual attractiveness to that of other women.
#2. Age
Women are likewise self-conscious about their age. They desire to appear young, are envious of other women, and are constantly on the lookout for meals and items that may slow down the aging process. On the side, doing a web search on “anti-aging” and seeing all the sites that offer shining anti-aging miracles to these evidently insecure women would be an interesting observation.
#3. Weight
Women’s weight insecurity is the third-most visible insecurity. Women always want to be thinner, or, no matter how attractive they are, they believe they are overweight; they are always on the lookout for the next fad diet, such as watermelon only, high protein, low starch, or only raisins and kippers on Tuesdays and Sunday evenings, and so on.
#4. Hair Colour
It appears that women are concerned about their hair color as well; perhaps they all want to be blondes. After all, blondes have more fun and are more attractive to men. Men may have an instinctive desire for women with light hair; in the animal kingdom, the male always favors the female with lighter hair since it is a sign of health; this is called “natural selection.”
#5. Eye color
Women, too, seem to be self-conscious about their eye color. Blue eyes, the ever-present partner to blonde hair, are apparently the most sought-after eye color. Gray, green, and hazel appear to be next in line in terms of visual appeal. Brown eyes are the worst, owing to the fact that they are the most prevalent.
#6. Height
It appears that having an optimal height is also a difficulty for women. The majority of women appear to wish to be taller and grumble about just being able to reach a certain height.
Being in the low fives (5′ 1″ to 5′ 5″) appears insufficient. Consider those towering, long-legged fashion models who seem to be idolized by all women. Of course, there comes a point when a lady is too tall—probably around 5′ 10″ is the limit. They might challenge men’s superiority if they were taller than that.
#7. Size of the breasts
Finally, the day you’ve all been waiting for has arrived: ladies want bigger breasts. Women are reportedly inspired by celebrities who have enormous breasts and wish to acquire large breasts themselves. When their jerk lovers make comments about them being as flat as a board, women grow insecure. Large breasts appear to attract all men, and all women appear to want all men to be drawn to them. Breasts are biologically linked to fertility and baby care; hence, having a large breast size is desirable.
Now, I honestly hope that any woman reading this list of ostensible insecurities is furious right now.
Insecurities in Dating Relationships: List
The following are the most prevalent female dating insecurities:
#1. He won’t call me back
In a new relationship, a woman seems to be obsessed with having the man call her back, and she has to be reassured by the man that he will call her in order to feel better.
#2. He only wants to sleep with me
A woman in a new relationship is constantly worried that the man is only interested in her for sex – because she is insecure about whether there is anything interesting or desirable about her other than her body – and must be reassured by the man that he likes her personality, that she makes excellent muffins, and so on.
#3. He’s dating other women
A woman is continually apprehensive that her boyfriend is cheating on her because, despite her partner’s assurances about the quality of her personality and abilities, she remains insecure about herself and feels that all men are pigs who will sleep with anything that moves.
#4. He’s no longer interested in me
Despite the fact that men must constantly tell women that they are appealing for reasons other than their bodies, men must also persuade women that their bodies are desirable. To feel secure in their physical desirability, women seek physical attention and soothing words from men.
Dangers of Dating an Insecure woman
Insecurity is the basis of many marital problems. The issue with female insecurity is that it can be difficult to detect—or, even worse, you may mistake it for a positive trait. In a relationship with an insecure woman, you’ll surely feel like you have the upper hand, which many men consider a huge gain. But believe me when I say it’s like going through a minefield, and you’ll have more of a sidekick than a true life partner in the best-case scenario. Or, in the worst-case scenario, you’ll wake up one day to find your pecker has been snipped and flushed.
So, if she exhibits any of the signs listed below, don’t run away. Please assist her. It could be the most important thing you’ve ever done. Either that, or you’ll be doomed to a life of misery.
#1. Rivalry
When your wife is envious of you, it’s flattering. It demonstrates that she is concerned about you. A little is good and normal, but you should be able to recognize when she’s getting close to being a bunny boiler.
#2. She Believes That Every Other Woman is Attempting to Snare You Away From Her
It’s flattering when someone thinks you’re the shit, like I indicated, but don’t believe the hype. You’re not a one-of-a-kind individual.
#3. She Infiltrates Every Conversation You Have With A Woman
Most of us can tell when we’re being flirted with, but an insecure woman feels that every discussion you have with someone of the other sex will result in you ditching her for a better deal, so she always jumps in to save the day.
#4. She Accuses You of Swooning Over Every Attractive Woman You Come Across
Because, after all, you are a male, this is impossible to defend against. We’re always scrutinizing women, but unless you’re a real jerk, you’re probably not drooling with your eyes bulging out of your head, as she accuses you of.
#5. She Must Be Aware Of Your Whereabouts At All Times
And God helps you if you don’t show up where you said you would.
#6. She Takes a Look at Your Phone
She is more mindful of your missed calls and texts than you are.
#7. She Examines Your Search History on The Internet
You’re screwed if she finds any porn or — oh, shit — evidence that you’ve visited a dating site (even if it was only a pop-up ad).
#8. She’s Always Looking for Approval
“Are you in love with me?” “Are you a fan of my looks?” “Do you think I’m smart?” You’re not going to say “no” to any of these questions, are you? Despite the fact that uninvited compliments have no real worth, she thrives on them.
#9. Guilt Trips
If you do something without her, she’ll probably “let” it, but you’ll hear about how she feels excluded.
#10. She compliments herself ten times
When she tells you how fortunate you are to have her, she is actually saying the reverse.
#11. She Destroys You
Manipulation of textbooks. She doesn’t like herself, so she’s attempting to make you feel the same way in the hopes that you’ll believe you can’t do better than her.
#12. She Causes Discord Among Your Friends And Family
She wants to be the sole person in your life, so she goes out of her way to isolate you from everyone who matters to you.
#13. She Is Dominant And Bossy
This is really an attempt to exert control over the relationship and hence over you. She is making all of the decisions in order to limit your choices.
#14. She’s Obsessive
We all want to be needed by our spouses, but we also want autonomy. She is not one of them. There is no “you” or “I” in her connection; simply “we” and “us.”
#15. She Ignores Her Friends in Favor of You
Again, we all spend less time with our friends when we’re in a relationship, but theirs has vanished to the point that you’re left wondering if they ever existed at all.
What Makes a Woman Insecure in a Relationship FAQs
What causes a woman to be insecure in a relationship?
Insecurities in a relationship are frequently rooted in a lack of self-love. The core of any relationship is trust. If one person clings to damaging limiting ideas like being terrified of failure or believing they don’t deserve love, they won’t be able to fully trust.
What can make someone feel insecure in a relationship?
Because they may not think they are deserving of their partner’s affection or support, people with low self-confidence may feel insecure in their relationships. Being bullied, mocked, or assaulted by caregivers are examples of experiences that can convey the idea that you are flawed or unworthy.