HOW TO FLIRT OVER TEXT WITH A GIRL: Examples & 15+ Great Tips To Inspire You

how to flirt over text with a girl
Image credit: WM

One of the most crucial things you can do to keep a female engaged is to learn how to flirt with her over text. That is something that all guys who know how to acquire a girlfriend are aware of. This is because knowing how to flirt with a girl is a skill that makes women want to learn more about you. Consider this, Flirting men are fascinating, amusing, and a lot of pleasure to be around. And, since it’s not always possible to make her blush in person You’ll have to text to flirt! We can show you How to flirt over text with a girl if you’re still hesitant about texting.

Why you should flirt with a girl over text

It’s not only a matter of learning how to flirt with a female over text. With online dating, social networking, and our general addiction to our phones, text flirting maybe even more relevant than traditional face-to-face flirting.

Flirting is the logical next step whether you want to get a girl to like you or simply get to know her better to see if you like her.

Teasing, flattery, and even a lot of sarcasm can all be part of flirting. These things assist you in connecting with each other. Flirting is what makes a virtual interaction flow, especially through text.

It’s difficult to build a spark online, but flirting can help. You feel more familiar with each other when you learn how to flirt with a female over text. This not only helps you build a connection, but it also helps you ease into a date.

Now, tips on how to actually start flirting via text

Start with smart banter, says Amber Artis, CEO of Select Date Society. She explains, “It’s a terrific place to start.” Mostly because the conversation ideas are practically limitless. You can argue about a sports team, a television show, or even a musician.

Example A: If you meet on a dating site and they ask you out on a socially distant date, say something like “I’ll see you Friday…as long as you sincerely vow you don’t genuinely feel The Office is better than Schitt’s Creek.”

Another thing to keep in mind, according to Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, is to “keep it brief and simple.” You don’t have to send those huge paragraphs through text right away work your way up to deeper-level conversations.

How to flirt with a girl over text

Flirting with words can be daunting since so much is at stake. However, because you’re not truly face-to-face, it can be easier in certain ways. This provides you some time to consider your response without having to be concerned about word vomit.

However, texting might make flirting more difficult because body language, which is a key element of flirting in person, is missing. So, now that those crucial components have been removed from the equation, you have a lot more to make up for.

Here’s how to flirt with a girl via text message.

#1. Don’t be too serious

Because of the lack of tone of voice and facial expressions when texting, it’s difficult to tell what’s a joke and what’s serious.

This means you should keep things light and uncomplicated; otherwise, a female may mistake you for being very serious, which isn’t very flirty.

#2. Use references

It’s fine to flirt and make cute references, but if she doesn’t understand where they’re coming from, it won’t come off as flirting. She’ll just be perplexed. As a result, make full use of your resources. To make it clear that you’re citing a movie or TV show, use memes or gifs. This way, she’ll know you’re flirting even if she doesn’t see it.

#3. Emojis are a girl’s favorite way of flirting

Flirting with a female over text is a lot easier with emojis. A winking eye emoji adds lightness and enjoyment to a sentence that could otherwise be frightening or strange.

Emojis also take the guesswork out of your message’s context. And if she responds, it’s a positive sign that things are going well.

#4. Be subtle

One of the most important lessons in learning how to flirt with a female over text is to be as subtle as possible. You don’t want to come out as overbearing, especially if you haven’t met yet. That might frighten her. Show your curiosity rather than your affection.

#5. Your opening has to be clever

If you believe that sending a “Hi ;)” is flirty, think again. Always start a discussion with a seductive remark that is more than just a friendly greeting.

You should begin with a question or remark that will elicit a response. Set the tone for this to progress. It’s a far more effective approach to flirt with a girl than texting.

#6. Don’t even try sending a “mis-text.”

You know, the text message you “accidentally” sent to her but intended to send to someone else, despite the fact that you sent it to her on purpose to start a conversation.

That’s not a good idea. It’s never slick or clever. It exudes desperation. Have the confidence to speak with her if you want to.

#7. Don’t take forever to text her back

This is really aggravating to girls and does not increase their desire for you. They aren’t just sitting there waiting for you to respond.

In fact, she’ll probably lose interest in you as a result of your lack of interest in her. So, if you’re near your phone and you receive a text, reply. If she texts you when you’re busy, don’t respond. It’s not a good idea to try to “play hard to get,” because it won’t succeed.

#8. Don’t send multiple unanswered texts

Another common blunder males make while flirting with women is sending several unanswered SMS. This is obnoxious and creepy.

If she doesn’t respond, you shouldn’t keep sending texts – especially if you’re trying to explain a suggestive message. Wait for her to respond instead.

#9. Never try to text when you’re drunk

What’s funny and witty to you when you’re drunk isn’t going to be funny and clever to her when she’s sober. If you’re intoxicated and want to flirt with a girl by text, don’t. I know you’re tempted, but just drink some water and refuse. It’s both humiliating and off-putting.

#10. Compliment her

You shouldn’t assume that just because you can’t see her in person, you can’t compliment her. Flirting via text has the advantage of allowing you to compliment her on anything other than her physical looks, which is actually more important.

Congratulate her on her hobbies or musical tastes. Let her know you like her work ethic or her willingness to travel on the spur of the moment.

#11. Make some cute and even corny jokes

If you’re flirting with a female via text, don’t be scared to use a cheesy pickup line. Just because you can’t be attractive or witty in person doesn’t mean you can’t be online. Make some puns and dad jokes.

It may appear cheesy, but it will make her grin. Make her laugh while you’re not even present, and she’ll be in a really flirtatious mood.

#12. Text her in the morning

If you text her for the first time after 9 p.m., it usually means you’re only interested in her for one reason – and that’s not something she’ll appreciate.

Texting her first thing in the morning demonstrates that you’re already thinking about her. She’ll be flattered that you’re thinking of her, and she’ll be more receptive to your flirting advances as a result.

#13. NEVER ask for naughty pictures

Don’t be like him. Many men make the mistake of assuming that requesting obscene photos equates to flirting. When, in reality, it just indicates you’re a perv looking for dirty photographs.

This isn’t a polite way of expressing your admiration for her. It’s revolting. Whatever mood you’re in, don’t expect or ask for these photos. This is not a smart technique to text a girl and flirts with her.

#14. Make her feel important

It’s more than just sending a winky face when you’re flirting over a text. Because you can’t express how you feel by your body language because you’re not in person, you’ll have to do so through text.

Making her feel important and special is a form of flirting that may be conveyed through text. Ask her personal questions and try to get to know her.

#15. Be sweet

Make tiny gestures that are pleasant. Send her a photograph of a flower that reminds you of her. Send her a hilarious meme or video if you see one you think she’ll enjoy. Also, express your admiration for her social media posts. Don’t just remark she’s attractive. Let her know you admire his photography talents or that she appears to be a fantastic cook.

#16. Keep it going

Make an effort to keep the conversation going. Sure, sometimes things just come to a close on their own. When flirting with a girl by text, though, make an effort.

Ask a follow-up question to what she just said. This demonstrates your curiosity, but not in a weird way.

#17. Clarify

Explain anything you stated that you think came off as odd or off-putting. Sure, admitting you made a mistake or thought something was humorous when it wasn’t could be unpleasant, but it could salvage your relationship with her.

Don’t be ashamed of yourself. Accept responsibility for such unpleasant situations. It demonstrates a level of self-assurance that she will admire.

#18. Don’t be waiting

I know we said before that texting back shouldn’t take too long. However, the same can be said for being glued to your phone. This isn’t the girl you’re dating. You’re learning how to text flirt with a girl.

So, incorporate it into your life rather than allowing it to consume you. If you’re just watching TV, go ahead and respond right away; if you’re working or otherwise occupied, respond as soon as you can. Waiting for your phone to ring so you may respond as soon as possible seems unnecessary.

#19. Send pictures

No, That has previously been discussed. With the phrase “Jealous much?” send images of yourself making funny faces, or humorous shots of your pet, or your dinner. Without having to come up with a lot of sophisticated terms, this is flirting.

#20. Be yourself

Don’t try to pass yourself off as someone else. It’s simple to alter your demeanor to appear cooler, and lying about your hobbies is much easier to do through text. Neither of these, however, will come across as genuine.

Not to mention, what if you do have a chance to go on a date with her? Simply be yourself, and you’ll find that flirting will come easy to you, even over text.


Knowing how to flirt with a female in person is an excellent ability to have. Especially if you’re trying to figure out how to get a girlfriend. This generation, on the other hand, has to know how to flirt with a girl over text and send seductive SMS for her.

With women, flirting goes a long way. It might be helpful when deciding what to text a female you’re interested in, as well as pique her interest in you.


How can I attract a girl?

Respect her ideas, her opinions, and her beliefs. Girls like it when you treat them like people. If you want girls to find you attractive, respecting them as people is a great place to start. For example, ask her about her favorite hobby, and then ask her how she got into that hobby.

How do you make a girl spark?

Feel that sensual energy building up inside you and project it onto her. Look down at her lips again, then look back at her eyes again, and then look away. Ideally, if she blushes, giggles, or smiles, congratulations you’ve just created a chemistry spark in her.

How do you chat with a girl without being boring?

Find common ground.

  1. Talking about something you share can lead you to open up, see that you can have an exciting conversation, and to talk about new topics. …
  2. Let the things you both share come up naturally instead of trying too hard to ask her if she likes the same things you do.
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