Is your gut instinct always right in relationships?
If it’s truly your “gut” speaking, then it’s worth paying attention to.
But how do you know the difference between when your gut instinct is trying to get your attention–and when it’s your fear of the past repeating itself speaking?
When you get an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach about a person or situation close to you, you might call it a gut instinct–or you might wonder if it’s just fearful thinking.
What do you do?
Do you ignore it and chalk it up to your imagination? Do you look for more evidence or act immediately on what your “gut” told you?
But let’s back up a little and chew on this question…
What Does Gut Instinct Feel Like?
Your gut instinct is underneath your thinking, a monkey mind that constantly chatters away.
It’s what you know to be true when your thinking mind settles.
It’s a knowing that can’t be shaken loose.
On Valentine’s Day 1999, the two of us just knew it was time to get married after being together for over a year.
Our gut instincts told us to go through the marriage ceremony in front of our friends and make our union legal.
We knew it was time, and we both felt certain about it.
Sometimes, we get a gut instinct about something, and they aren’t as strong–but there’s still a knowing deep inside that this is the way to move forward.
But when you have a crowded, overwhelmed, fearful mind, you can’t hear your gut instincts talking to you.
3 Ways to Know When It Is Your Gut Instinct
Here are 3 ways to know when your gut instinct is trying to get your attention–and not your fear of the past repeating itself…
Recognize the difference inside you between the sensations caused by fearful thinking and your instinct
Don’t make the mistake of believing and acting from your fearful thinking.
Those feelings are not the ones you want to pay attention to.
Those feelings (when acted on) will cause you to have fights, get upset, make poor decisions, feel hurt, feel alone, possibly do something that will damage a relationship, or even embarrass yourself.
When you start to recognize the difference, you’ll begin acting not out of habit or automaticity but rather out of choice and consciousness.
If that feeling is knowing, you’ll feel that and act from that place. Act on your gut instinct in small ways, and your belief in yourself will increase
Allow the fear to pass through, and what you’re left with is your instinct
When you recognize that fear is talking to you, you can let it pass through without attaching meaning to it.
If that feeling is knowing, you’ll feel that and act from that place.
Act on your gut instinct in small ways, and your belief in yourself will increase
Practice trusting your “gut” about small things, such as which route to take to work or which restaurant to eat at.
You can do this by slowing down to appreciate that you’re always being guided if you just listen.
We love this quote by one of our teachers, Sydney Banks–
The feeling you want to follow is different from the feeling most people follow most of the time.
The feelings most people follow are feelings of guilt, anger, resentment, unfairness, jealousy and a thousand other feelings most of us would label unwanted.
In our opinion, the feelings you want to follow are clarity, love, certainty, openness, possibility, expansiveness, spark, invitation, trust, and connection.
Is your gut instinct always right in relationships?
If it’s truly your “gut” speaking, then it’s worth paying attention to.
You may not act immediately, but don’t dismiss the information you’re receiving. Become aware and pay attention because the greatest gift you can give yourself is to allow the wisdom of the Universe to flow through you and guide you in love and life
Is your gut instinct always right in relationships?
According to studies, 85% of women who have a gut instinct that their partner is cheating are correct. Many people believe that your gut instincts are usually accurate and worth paying heed to. The phrase “something just feels odd” is truly worth a thought.
Can your gut be wrong about a relationship?
You can often trust your gut if you have a sensation that something is amiss in a relationship. However, that isn’t always the case. Before you make a decision, give it some thought. But don’t overthink things or analyze for too long.
Should you trust your gut feeling about someone?
Depending on your demeanour and the person’s character, it is important to trust your feelings about someone, as they are always right half the time.
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